программа дружбы с использованием графического типа python / алгоритма - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 07 мая 2020

Я создал программу, но мне кажется, что функция def common(friendships, person1, person2) может быть более эффективной. Если у кого-нибудь есть какие-нибудь идеи, как я могу ее улучшить, я был бы признателен.

from My_graph import Graph

def friends_of_friends(friendships, person):
    """Return the set of friends of the person's friends.
    Don't return people that are already friends of person.
    assert person in friendships.nodes()

    result = set()
    people = friendships.nodes()
    for person1 in people:
        for person2 in people:
            # the () around the whole condition are necessary to
            # break the condition over multiple lines
            if (friendships.has_edge(person1, person2) and
                friendships.has_edge(person2, person) and
                not friendships.has_edge(person1, person) and
                person1 != person):
    return result

def common(friendships, person1, person2):
    """Return the number of common friends of person1 and person2."""
    assert person1 != person2
    assert person1 in friendships.nodes()
    assert person2 in friendships.nodes()

    mutual = 0
    for person in friendships.nodes():
        if (friendships.has_edge(person, person1) and
            friendships.has_edge(person, person2)):
            mutual = mutual + 1
    return mutual

def suggested_friends(friendships, person):
    """Return a list of suggested people for person to befriend.

    Each suggestion is a friend of a friend of person but isn't person's friend.
    The suggestions are ordered from most to fewest mutual friends with person.
    assert person in friendships.nodes()

    scored_suggestions = []
    for friend_of_friend in friends_of_friends(friendships, person):
        score = common(friendships, person, friend_of_friend)
        scored_suggestions.append((score, friend_of_friend))
    suggestions = []
    for (score, suggestion) in scored_suggestions:
    return suggestions

class Graph:

    # Representation
    # --------------
    # We use the adjacency list representation, but with sets instead of lists.
    # The graph is a dictionary where each key is a node and
    # the corresponding value is the set of the node's neighbours.
    # The graph being undirected, each edge is represented twice.
    # For example, the dictionary {1: {2, 3}, 2: {1}, 3: {1}} represents a
    # graph with three nodes and two edges connecting node 1 with the other two.

    # Creator
    # -------

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialise the empty graph."""
        self.graph = dict()

    # Inspectors
    # ----------

    def has_node(self, node):
        """Return True if the graph contains the node, otherwise False."""
        return node in self.graph

    def has_edge(self, node1, node2):
        """Check if there's an edge between the two nodes.
        Return False if the edge or either node don't exist, otherwise True.
        return self.has_node(node1) and node2 in self.graph[node1]

    def neighbours(self, node):
        """Return the set of neighbours of node.
        Assume the graph has the node.
        assert self.has_node(node)

        # copy the set of neighbours, to prevent clients modifying it directly
        result = set()
        for neighbour in self.graph[node]:
        return result

    def nodes(self):
        """Return the set of all nodes in the graph."""
        result = set()
        for node in self.graph:
        return result

    def edges(self):
        """Return the set of all edges in the graph.
        An edge is a tuple (node1, node2).
        Only one of (node1, node2) and (node2, node1) is included in the set.
        result = set()
        for node1 in self.nodes():
            for node2 in self.nodes():
                if self.has_edge(node1, node2):
                    if (node2, node1) not in result:
                        result.add((node1, node2))
        return result

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Implement == to check two graphs have the same nodes and edges."""
        nodes = self.nodes()
        if nodes != other.nodes():
            return False
        for node1 in nodes:
            for node2 in nodes:
                if self.has_edge(node1, node2) != other.has_edge(node1, node2):
                    return False
        return True

    # Breadth-first search
    # --------------------

    def bfs(self, start):
        """Do a breadth-first search of the graph, from the start node.
        Return a list of nodes in visited order, the first being start.
        Assume the start node exists.
        assert self.has_node(start)

        # Initialise the list to be returned.
        visited = []
        # Keep the nodes yet to visit in another list, used as a queue.
        # Initially, only the start node is to be visited.
        to_visit = [start]
        # While there are nodes to be visited:
        while to_visit != []:
            # Visit the next node at the front of the queue.
            next_node = to_visit.pop(0)
            # Look at its neighbours.
            for neighbour in self.neighbours(next_node):
                # Add node to the back of the queue if not already
                # visited or not already in the queue to be visited.
                if neighbour not in visited and neighbour not in to_visit:
        return visited

    # Depth-first search
    # ------------------

    def dfs(self, start):
        """Do a depth-first search of the graph, from the start node.
        Return a list of nodes in visited order, the first being start.
        Assume the start node exists.
        assert self.has_node(start)

        # Use the BFS algorithm, but keep nodes to visit in a stack.
        visited = []
        to_visit = [start]
        while to_visit != []:
            next_node = to_visit.pop()
            for neighbour in self.neighbours(next_node):
                if neighbour not in visited and neighbour not in to_visit:
        return visited

    # Modifiers
    # ---------

    def add_node(self, node):
        """Add the node to the graph.
        Do nothing if the graph already has the node.
        Assume the node is of an immutable type.
        if not self.has_node(node):
            self.graph[node] = set()

    def add_edge(self, node1, node2):
        """Add to the graph an edge between the two nodes.
        Add any node that doesn't exist.
        Assume the two nodes are different and of an immutable type.
        assert node1 != node2


Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 08 мая 2020

Ваш График смежности уже обеспечивает эффективный доступ к соседям каждого узла. В свою очередь, соседи позволяют эффективно вычислять перекрытий. Используйте их.

def common(friendships, person1, person2):
    """Return the number of common friends of person1 and person2."""
    assert person1 != person2
    assert person1 in friendships.nodes()
    assert person2 in friendships.nodes()

    mutual_friends = friendships.neighbours(person1) & friendships.neighbours(person2)
    return len(mutual_friends)
1 голос
/ 07 мая 2020

Когда у нас есть, например,

friendships={1: {2, 3}, 2: {1, 3, 8}}, person1=1, person2=2

, ожидаемый ответ, очевидно, равен 1. Это можно эффективно вычислить как длину пересечения двух множеств, дружбы [person1] и дружбы [person2] .
