в этом компоненте у меня есть кнопка, и у меня есть функция для события onClick
, sayHello
, чтобы проверить это, я просто поставил console.log
, чтобы увидеть, срабатывает ли он при нажатии, но он срабатывает только тогда, когда в рендере функция называется this.sayHello()
import React, { Component } from "react";
import AsteroidDetails from "./AsteroidDetails";
export default class Asteroids extends Component {
state = {
percentageChem: [],
remainingMass: [],
asteroidYield: [],
asteroid: this.props.item,
sayHello = () => {
/*** calculations
remaining m = (mass- all percentages of day )
m is the remaining mass of the asteroid:
remaing mpct = (mass - all percentages of day / mass x 100
mpct is the remaining percentage mass of the
/** yield calculation
* for mpct >= 0,02
* yield = (0,04 + ln(mpct) / 100) * m
* for mpct < 0,02
* yield = 0
// function to calculate percentage of chemicals
percentage = (num, per, t) => {
return ((num / 100) * per) / t;
// function to get the sum of all the percentage for one asteroid
sumPercentage = (percentagearr) => {
return percentagearr.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
//function for the remaining mass calculation
remainingMass = (mass, sum) => {
return mass - sum;
//function for the remaining mpct calculation
remainingMpct = (mass, sum) => {
return ((mass - sum) / mass) * 100;
//write yield function
calcYield = (mass, mptc) => {
if (mptc >= 0.02) {
return (0.04 + Math.log(mptc) / 100) * mass;
} else {
return 0;
componentDidMount() {
console.log(this.props, "props inside Component Did mount"); // props of each asteroid
const mass = this.props.item.mass;
let t = 1;
t = t + Math.round(Math.log10(mass));
let percentageChem = []; // an empty array for the percentages of chemicals
Object.entries(this.props.item.chemicals).forEach(([key, value]) => {
let chem = this.percentage(mass, value, t).toFixed(2); // calculate percentage of chemicals
percentageChem.push(chem); // push the calulated peprcentage inside percentageChemicals array
//setting the state for the percentage of chemicals
percentageChem: percentageChem,
console.log(percentageChem, "percentage Chemicals");
// changing the string array of percentage chemicals to number array
let numberPercentArray = percentageChem.map((el) => parseFloat(el));
// calculate the sum of the percentage chemicals array
let sumOfPercentage = this.sumPercentage(numberPercentArray);
//total sun if percentage array
const totalSum = sumOfPercentage.toFixed(2);
console.log(totalSum, "sum");
// calculation remaining mass using the total sum and mass.
const remMass = this.remainingMass(mass, totalSum);
this.setState({ remainingMass: remMass });
console.log(remMass, "remaining mass");
// calculation of remainingmpct using total sum and mass.
const mpct = this.remainingMpct(mass, totalSum).toFixed(2);
this.setState({ remainingMpct: mpct });
console.log(mpct, "remaining mpct");
//call yield function
const turnover = this.calcYield(mpct, mass);
this.setState({ asteroidYield: turnover });
console.log(turnover, "YIELD?");
render() {
return (
<div className="as">
<button onClick={this.sayHello}>Click</button>