def insert_node(self, node_data):
# create a new node with node_data set to value
node = SinglyLinkedListNode(node_data)
# if the current linked list has no head node, i.e. it is
# empty, set this new node we're inserting to be the head
# creating a length 1 linked list with 1 node
if not self.head:
self.head = node
else :
# if there is a head, then we're going to simply insert
# our newly created node at the end of the list. since
# we have a reference to the tail node, we can set the
# next property on the tail = node
# since this method is inserting the new node at the end
# of the linked list, we now set the tail to reference
# the newly created node.
# note this means that the tail and head can be the same
# in a length 1 list
self.tail = node