Я хочу объединить свой результат разделителем точки с запятой, так что это мой запрос
Concat(Year(info.[CreationDate]),'/',Trim('BS-' from info.ProjectN)) As 'AllProjectN'
,part.Designation As 'AllDesignation'
,cust.Name As 'AllCustomer'
,prod.[Quantity] As 'AllQuantity'
,Case when prod.[Quantity] <=3 then prod.[Quantity]
when prod.[Quantity] between 4 and 501 then 3
when prod.[Quantity] between 502 and 1201 then 5
when prod.[Quantity] between 1202 and 1801 then 8
when prod.[Quantity] between 1802 and 3200 then 13
else ' ' end as 'Echantillonnage'
FROM [dbo].[GalvaQualityDailyFicheControle]
Inner Join GalvaQualityDailyProduction prod on prod.id= [GalvaQualityDailyFicheControle].FK_idDailyProduction
Inner join GalvaParts part on part.id=prod.[FK_idPart]
Inner join ProjectInfoGalva info on info.id=part.IdProject
inner Join Customer cust on cust.ID=info.FK_Customer
Where Convert(Date,[GalvaQualityDailyFicheControle].[CreationDate]) = '05-27-2020' AND [GalvaQualityDailyFicheControle].FK_idNextProcess=13
Group By
Concat(Year(info.[CreationDate]),'/',Trim('BS-' from info.ProjectN))
Я получаю этот результат
I try with STRING_AGG I get one row but the data is duplicated
STRING_AGG(Concat(Year(info.[CreationDate]),'/',Trim('BS-' from info.ProjectN)) , ' ;')As 'AllProjectN'
,STRING_AGG(part.Designation , ' ;')As 'AllDesignation'
,STRING_AGG(cust.Name , ' ;')As 'AllCustomer'
,STRING_AGG(prod.[Quantity] , ' ;')As 'AllQuantity'
,STRING_AGG(Case when prod.[Quantity]
This is the result I get
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