DISTANCE ожидал, что ввод будет агентом, но вместо этого получил набор агентов (набор агентов, 16 исправлений) - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 28 мая 2020

Я продолжаю получать это сообщение об ошибке (DISTANCE ожидал, что ввод будет агентом, но вместо этого получил набор агентов (набор агентов, 16 исправлений).) В нижней части моего кода, когда я запускаю следующий код:

  x-grid-size ;; Global variable for inter-city grid-sizing in the x direction
  y-grid-size ;; Global variable for inter-city grid-sizing in the y-direction
  grid-x-inc ;; Global variable for inter-city street spacing in x-direction
  grid-y-inc ;; Global variable for inter-city street spacing in y-direction
  roads ;; Global variable for inter-city road network
  outer-roads ;; Global variable for outer-city road network

breed [inter-buildings inter-building] ;; Inter-city buildings such as office, retail, business, apartments, etc.
breed [outer-buildings outer-building] ;; Outer-city buildings such as residential, reatail, apartments, etc.
breed [AVs AV]

  trip-status ;; (0 = heading to station, 1 = pick-up passenger from station, 2 = heading to drop-off point)
  destination ;; 

  my-row ;; The row of the intersection counting from the upper left corner of the world.  -1 for non-intersection patches.
  my-column ;; The column of the intersection counting from the upper left corner of the world. -1 for non-intersection patches.

to setup
  setup-globals ;; Command for setting up and initializing the global variables
  setup-patches ;; Command for setting up the patches for the inter-city and outer-city zones of simulation

  ;;setup-building-infras ;; Command for setting up the building infrastructure on approp. patches
  if show-buildings? ;; if the show-building switch is true then building infras will be shown
    create-inter-buildings Inter-City_Density ;; Creating the inter-city building density
      set heading 0
      set shape "square"
      set size (random 0.5) + 1
      set color grey
      move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white] ;; if building is on the road, move it to patch that isn't white
      setxy (-25 + random-float 50) (-25 + random-float 50) ;; Set position building infras anywhere ranging from -25 to 25 for x- and y-directions
      ask inter-buildings
        if (pcolor = white) ;; if building infras. still lands on road move to patch that isn't white in color
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white]

        if (pcolor = red)
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 96]

        ifelse (pcolor = white)
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white]

          if (pcolor = 66)
            move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != 66]

    create-outer-buildings Outer-City_Density ;; Creating the outer-city building density
      set heading 0
      set shape "square"
      set size (random 0.05) + 0.65
      set color yellow
      move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white] ;; if building is on the road, move it to patch that isn't white
      setxy (0 + random-float 0) (0 + random-float 0) ;; Set position building infras anywhere ranging from -50 to 50 for x- and y-directions

      ask outer-buildings
        if (pcolor = white) ;; if building infras. still lands on road move to patch that isn't white in color
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white]

        if (pcolor = red)
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 96]

        ifelse (pcolor = white)
          move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != white]

          if (pcolor = 66)
            move-to one-of patches with [pcolor != 66]

  create-AVs (Market_Pentr) * Vehicles 
    set size 0.4
    set shape "car"
    set color orange
    move-to one-of roads
    set goal a-station 


  create-TVs (1 - Market_Pentr) * Vehicles
    set size 0.5
    set shape "car"
    set color magenta
    move-to one-of roads

to set-heading-to-station
  set trip-status 0

  let goal-candidates patches with [pcolor = red and any? neighbors with [pcolor = white]]
  set a-station one-of goal-candidates

  set destination one-of goal-candidates with [self != [a-station] of myself]

to setup-patches ;; Command for setting up patch design for simulation
  ask patches
    ifelse ((pxcor <= 25 and pxcor >= -25) and (pycor <= 25 and pycor >= -23)) ;; if a patch is between pxcor and pycor of -25 and 25
      set my-row -1
      set my-column -1
      set pcolor yellow + 3 ;; set the patch's color to yellow for inter-city block representation

      set pcolor 96 ;; otherwise set the patch's color to a modified sky blue for outer-city block representation

  ask patches 
    if ((pxcor <= 25 and pxcor >= -25) and (pycor <= 25 and pycor >= -25))
      set roads patches with
        (floor ((pxcor + max-pxcor - floor (grid-x-inc - 1)) mod grid-x-inc) = 0) or
        (floor ((pycor + max-pycor) mod grid-y-inc) = 0)

  ;; setup the a-station
  set a-station patches with [(pxcor >= 36 and pxcor <= 39) and (pycor >= 37 and pycor <= 40)]
  ask a-station
    set pcolor red

ask roads
    ifelse ((pxcor <= 25 and pxcor >= -26) and (pycor <= 26 and pycor >= -25))
      set pcolor white

      set pcolor white ;; this is a placeholder

to Drive-Around
  ask AVs
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = white
      face drive-forward
      forward AV-speed

to-report drive-forward
  ask AVs
    if goal = a-station ;;and (member? patch-here [neighbors4] of a-station) ;; CHANGE THIS SO IS CONDUCIVE WITH PEDESTRIAN AGENTS LATER ON
      set trip-status 1
      set goal destination

    if goal = destination ;;and (member? patch-here [neighbors4] of destination)
      set trip-status 2
      ;; this could be the count of the number of assisted citizens

      let A-Station_X_Cor [pxcor] of a-station
      let A-Station_Y_Cor [pycor] of a-station
      let Destination_X_Cor [pxcor] of destination
      let Destination_Y_Cor [pycor] of destination

      let required_range 1.5 * (
        abs(A-Station_X_Cor - [xcor] of myself) +
        abs(Destination_X_Cor - A-Station_X_Cor) +
        abs(A-Station_Y_Cor - [ycor] of myself) +
        abs(Destination_Y_Cor - A-Station_Y_Cor))

      if required_range < 50
        set goal a-station

  let choices neighbors with [pcolor = white]
  let choice min-one-of choices [distance [goal] of myself]
  report choice

Я пытаюсь увидеть, смогу ли я заставить агентов транспортных средств переместиться в определенное c место в симуляции, но в то же время оставаться на белых пятнах, которые являются дорогами в моей городской сетке. Следует отметить, что примитив, известный как distance, продолжает выдавать мне ошибки, и я не уверен, что сообщает мне сообщение об ошибке, и не знаю, что делать в этот момент. Я попытался поместить оператор if в команду to Drive-Around, но, похоже, сообщение об ошибке не удаляется.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 29 мая 2020

В одном месте у вас есть:

set a-station patches with [...]

, что делает a-station содержать набор агентов.

В другом месте у вас есть:

set goal a-station

if a-station удерживал набор агентов, теперь goal также содержит набор агентов.

А затем, когда вы это сделаете:

distance [goal] of myself

это ошибка, потому что вы не можете вычислить расстояние в набор агентов. Вы можете вычислить расстояние только до отдельного агента (патч или черепаха).

Я не знаю, какое исправление предложить, потому что я недостаточно понимаю цель кода.
