Я использую API для получения данных TTN с устройства. Я создал функцию «def on_message (mqtt c, obj, msg):», используя json .loads (msg.payload.decode ('utf-8')) для получения данных mqtt. Я хочу выбрать переменную «node_data» и использовать ее в def devdata (). но, похоже, я не получаю ничего, кроме None.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
import pybase64
import binascii
APPEUI = "0018B24441524632"
APPID = "adeunis_fieldtester"
PSW = "ttn-account-v2.vuQczD1bmPoghhaKjlIHR-iHovHIbYMpfWSKosPAGaU"
# Call back functions
# gives connection message
def on_connect(mqttc, mosq, obj, rc):
print("Connected with result code:" + str(rc))
# subscribe for all devices of user
# gives message from device
def on_message(mqttc, obj, msg):
x = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8'))
# metadata
app = x["app_id"]
device = x["dev_id"]
deveui = x["hardware_serial"]
port = x["port"]
confirmed = x["confirmed"]
counter = x["counter"]
payload_fields = x["payload_raw"]
datetime = x["metadata"]["time"]
gateways = x["metadata"]["gateways"]
frequency = x["metadata"]["frequency"]
modulation = x["metadata"]["modulation"]
data_rate = x["metadata"]["data_rate"]
air_time = x["metadata"]["airtime"]
coding_rate = x["metadata"]["coding_rate"]
for gw in gateways:
gateway_id = gw["gtw_id"]
timestamp = gw["timestamp"]
time = gw["time"]
channel = gw["channel"]
gwrssi = gw["rssi"]
gwsnr = gw["snr"]
# decoding the payload_field
payload_r = (pybase64.b64decode(payload_fields + "="))
# decoding the Payload_r to Byte-Ascii string
payload_h = binascii.hexlify(payload_r)
# Byte to tekst
node_data = (payload_h.decode("utf-8)")) #this is the variable i would like to use in devdata()
# Printing data, + str(payload_fields) + ", "
print(str(app) + ", " + str(device) + ", " + str(deveui) + ", " + str(port) + ", " + str(counter) + ", "
+ str(node_data) + ", " + str(modulation) + ", " + str(datetime) + ", " + str(frequency) + ", "
+ str(confirmed) + ", " + str(data_rate) + ", " + str(air_time) + ", " + str(coding_rate) + ", "
+ str(gateway_id) + ", " + str(timestamp) + ", " + str(time) + "," + str(channel) + ", "
+ str(gwrssi) + ", " + str(gwsnr))
return node_data #return data for use in devdata()
except Exception as e:
def devdata():
node_data = on_message() # trying to use this as the Variable
temperatur = int(node_data[2:4], 16)
print("temperatur =", temperatur)