У меня есть база данных Access с формой, которая отображает информацию о записи в базе данных. Я добавил кнопку, которая открывает новый документ Word (используя созданный мною шаблон), а затем берет соответствующие поля из формы и добавляет их в документ Word в соответствующих местах (отмеченных закладками). Он работает точно так, как предполагалось в первый раз в экземпляре Access, но он не будет работать снова, пока я не закрою базу данных полностью и не начну заново. Есть предложения, почему он работает только в первый раз?
Private Sub PPPGenerate_Click()
Dim namestr, unionstr, employerstr, countystr, emailstr, phonestr, issuestr As String 'create the variables which will be populated with the corresponding information from the record displayed on the form
namestr = Me.First + " " + Me.Last
titlestr = Me.title
REM All records have first and last name, and title, so we can initialize those without checking for null values
If Not IsNull(Me.Employer) Then 'If this record has a value for Employer, put it in the variable. Otherwise, use a filler
employerstr = Me.Employer
Else 'If we don't know who the employer is
employerstr = "(Not Known)"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.County) Then 'If this record has a value for County, put it in the variable. Otherwise, use a filler
countystr = Me.County
countystr = "(Not Known)"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Email) Then 'If this record has a value for Email, put it in the variable. Otherwise, use a filler
emailstr = Me.Email
emailstr = "(Not Known)"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Home_Phone) Then 'If this record has a value for Phone, put it in the variable. Otherwise, use a filler
phonestr = Me.Home_Phone
ElseIf Not IsNull(Me.Cell_Phone) Then
phonestr = Me.Cell_Phone
ElseIf Not IsNull(Me.Work_Phone) Then
phonestr = Me.Work_Phone
phonestr = "(Not Known)"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Notes) Then 'If this record has a value for Notes, put it in the variable. Otherwise, use a filler
issuestr = Me.Notes
issuestr = "No notes on this person."
End If
Dim Wrd As New Word.Application 'create a new word doc based on the template
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set Wrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim MergeDoc As String
MergeDoc = Application.CurrentProject.Path
MergeDoc = MergeDoc + "\PPP.dotx" 'The Template
Set doc = Wrd.Documents.Add(MergeDoc)
Wrd.Visible = True
With Word.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks 'put the variables into the word doc
.Item("FullName").Range.Text = namestr
.Item("title").Range.Text = titlestr
.Item("EmployedAt").Range.Text = employerstr
.Item("County").Range.Text = countystr
.Item("emailaddress").Range.Text = emailstr
.Item("phonenumber").Range.Text = phonestr
.Item("IssueDescription").Range.Text = issuestr
End With
End Sub