Я новичок в Java и пытаюсь запустить несколько тестов. Я не могу использовать функцию .getLast () как показывающую ошибку, а также не могу создать метод. Что я делаю не так. Вот мой частичный код. Я пытаюсь создать метод getLast, который терпит неудачу.
Вот ошибка. Тип выражения должен быть типом массива, но он разрешен в ListOfNVersion03PartA.
public class ListOfNVersion03PartA
private int thisNumber; // the number stored in this node
private ListOfNVersion03PartA next; // forms a linked list of objects
private final int nodeID; // a unique ID for each object in the list
private static int nodeCount = 0; // the number of list objects that have been created
* @param num the value to be stored in this object
public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int num)
thisNumber = num;
next = null;
nodeID = nodeCount;
} // constructor(int num)
* @param num the multiple values to be stored in the list, in that order
public ListOfNVersion03PartA(int [] num)
this(num[0]); // in this context, "this" invokes the other constructor
for (int i=1 ; i<num.length ; ++i)
} // constructor(int [] num)
* @return the number of elements stored in this list
public int getListSize()
return nodeCount;
} // method getListSize
* @return the last element in the list
public int getLast()
int y = next[nodeCount-1];
return y;
} // method getLast
* prints this object
public void printNode()
System.out.print("[" + nodeID + "," + thisNumber + "]->");
} // method printListNode
* prints the tail of a list
private void printListTail()
if ( next != null )
} // method printListTail
* prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last
public void printList()
if ( next != null )
} // method printList
* This method is NOT examinable in this test.
* prints the contents of the list, in order from first to last, and
* then moves the cursor to the next line
public void printlnList()
} // method printlnList
* @return the number of times the element occurs in the list
* @param element the element to be counted
public int countElement(int element)
return 999;
} // method countElement
* @return the number of times the replacement was made
* @param replaceThis the element to be replaced
* @param withThis the replacement
public int replaceAll(int replaceThis, int withThis)
return 999;
} // method replaceAll
* @return a reference to the first object in the list that contains the parameter value, or null if it is not found
* @param findThis the value to be found
public ListOfNVersion03PartA findUnSorted(int findThis)
// This algorithm is known as "linear search"
if ( thisNumber == findThis )
return this;
if ( next != null )
return next.findUnSorted(findThis);
return null;
} // method findUnSorted
* @return the reference to the object containing the smallest element in the list
public ListOfNVersion03PartA minRef()
// add and/or modify code to complete the method
ListOfNVersion03PartA minOfTail;
if ( next == null )
return this;
minOfTail = next.minRef();
if ( thisNumber <= minOfTail.thisNumber )
return this;
return minOfTail;
} // method minRef
* Inserts an element in the last position. The pre-existing elements in the
* list are unaffected.
* @param newElement the element to be inserted
public void insertLast(int newElement)
if ( next == null )
next = new ListOfNVersion03PartA(newElement);
} // method insertLast
} // class ListOfNVersion03PartA