Так как у меня было несколько минут, чтобы убить чашечкой кофе, вот перезапись вашей программы с кучей улучшений, проверка, о которой вы спрашивали, и несколько советов по стилю кодирования:
import random
import time
print("Hello and welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament.\n"
"The tournament will be the best of 3 wins.\n"
"It will be you against our highly intelligent computer opponent.\n"
"Good luck!")
# to avoid repeating these values over and over and changing numbers in to string,
# just defining them here. Name in capitals because it's global (generally bad)
# an even nicer solution would be to write a Game() class and put everything in
# there, but it would be a bit more advanced
1: 'Rock',
2: 'Scissor',
3: 'Paper'
def get_user_choice():
# keep asking until a valid value is returned
while True:
# this is a bit fancy, but let's say you want to reuse the game for similar games
# with different options from rock, scissor, paper, you'd want this code to still work
# get a list of string versions of the numbers
numbers = list(map(str, RSP_OPTIONS.keys()))
# join them together like you presented them: 1, 2 or 3
options = ', '.join(numbers[:-1]) + ' or ' + numbers[-1] + ':\n'
# add the descriptions
options = options + ''.join(f'{n}: {name}\n' for n, name in RSP_OPTIONS.items())
user_choice = (int(input("-------------------------------------------\n"
f"Enter choice by typing {options}"
except ValueError:
# any invalid option
user_choice = -1
# check if it's one of the valid options
if user_choice in RSP_OPTIONS:
return user_choice
# it makes sense to generate a new line where you want it, instead of having
# to put new line characters at the start of other strings
print("Please pick a valid number\n")
def beats(choice1, choice2):
# choice1 beats choice2 if it's one greater, except when choice2 == 3 and choice1 == 1
# but to make it even nicer and have it work for other similar games, you could say
# "except when choice1 == the max choice and choice2 == the min choice"
return (choice2 - choice1 == 1 or
(choice1 == max(RSP_OPTIONS.keys()) and choice2 == min(RSP_OPTIONS.keys())))
# Create a function for the game
def play_game():
user_count = 0
comp_count = 0
tie_game = 0
# this is what you really want, best out of three, ties not counted?
while comp_count + user_count < 3:
user_choice = get_user_choice()
print(f"You have chosen: {RSP_OPTIONS[user_choice]}\n")
print("Now it's the computer's turn to pick......\n")
# this wait is not very nice, the user might try to hit enter or something
# you could consider printing the countdown, or telling the user to please wait
# even then, it's kind of silly to pretend the computer has to work hard here
# this choice is always valid, so no problem
comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)
# note that you don't need the name, you can just look it up whenever in RSP_OPTIONS
print(f"\nComputer has chosen: {RSP_OPTIONS[comp_choice]}\n")
# getting rid of some repetition, note how the code really reads like what is intended
if beats(comp_choice, user_choice):
comp_count += 1
# nice to also say what really beat them
print(f"Computer wins this round with {RSP_OPTIONS[comp_choice]} over {RSP_OPTIONS[user_choice]}!\n")
elif beats(user_choice, comp_choice):
user_count += 1
print(f"You win this round with {RSP_OPTIONS[user_choice]} over {RSP_OPTIONS[comp_choice]}!\n")
# you can only get here on a tie
tie_game += 1
print(f"This round was a tie! Both choosing {RSP_OPTIONS[user_choice]}, try again!\n")
# you always print this, so just do it after the options:
print(f"Computer: {comp_count}\n"
f"You: {user_count}\n\n")
print(f'The game is now over with a score of:\n You:{user_count}\n to\n Computer:{comp_count}\n')
again = str(input("Do you want to play again, type 'yes' or 'no' \n"))
# let's quit on anything starting with n
if again.lower()[0] == "n":
print('Thank you for playing!\n')
# instead of exiting hard, maybe just return, telling the caller we don't want to play again
return False
# you were calling play_game again, but that causes the game to get more and more calls
# on top of each other, ultimately reaching an error state
# by returning first and then calling again, you avoid that problem
return True
# the function returns whether it should play again
while play_game():
# once it leaves the loop, the game stops automatically here, no more code
Однако есть еще много возможностей для улучшения; попробуйте реализовать более продвинутые формы RSP или сделать компьютер более умным, чем просто случайное воспроизведение, но пусть он использует какую-нибудь стратегию, возможно, с небольшой примесью случайности.
И с точки зрения кода, попробуйте отделение игры от того, как она представлена на экране; что, если вы решили сделать это в Интернете, а не на консоли или в графическом окне? Вы также можете подумать о том, чтобы поместить весь код в красивый класс, избавившись от глобальных переменных и позволяя создавать больше копий игры по мере необходимости.