Webpacker :: Manifest дает нам эту информацию.
# Singleton registry for accessing the packs path using a generated manifest.
# This allows javascript_pack_tag, stylesheet_pack_tag, asset_pack_path to take a reference to,
# say, "calendar.js" or "calendar.css" and turn it into "/packs/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e314.js" or
# "/packs/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e314.css".
# When the configuration is set to on-demand compilation, with the `compile: true` option in
# the webpacker.yml file, any lookups will be preceded by a compilation if one is needed.
Когда Rails хочет calendar.js
manifest. json говорит найти упакованную версию в /packs/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e314.js
. Чуть позже в коде есть пример.
Webpacker.manifest.lookup('calendar.js') # => "/packs/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e122.js"