Я новичок в Python и программировании в целом. Я пытаюсь сделать простой текстовый файтинг для моих детей. Это первая программа, которую я написал самостоятельно. Я продолжаю получать ошибки, и я не уверен, что это такое. Я делаю неправильно.
Вот код:
import random
print("Welcome to Sword Fight!")
#Character Stat Section
x_strength = 8
y_strength = 7
z_strength = 4
a_strength = 2
x_spd = 4
y_spd = 6
z_spd = 4
a_spd = 3
x_agl = 3
y_agl = 5
z_agl = 6
a_agl = 2
#Weapon Stat Section
katana_strength = 5
broadsword_strength = 6
spear_strength = 7
dagger_strength = 3
katana_spd = 5
broadsword_spd = 4
spear_spd = 3
dagger_spd = 7
katana_rch = 5
broadsword_rch = 6
spear_rch = 7
dagger_rch = 3
#Enemy Character Section
enemy = ['a goblin', 'a ninja', 'a swordfighter', 'an orc']
goblin_strength = 2
ninja_strength = 4
swordfighter_strength = 5
orc_strength = 7
goblin_spd = 4
ninja_spd = 7
swordfighter_spd = 5
orc_spd = 3
goblin_agl = 3
ninja_agl = 6
swordfighter_agl = 5
orc_agl = 2
#Enemy Weapon Stat Section
shiv_strength = 2
ninjato_strength = 4
longsword_strength = 5
axe_strength = 7
shiv_spd = 6
ninjato_spd = 6
longsword_spd = 5
axe_spd = 3
shiv_rch = 2
ninjato_rch = 4
longsword_rch = 5
axe_rch = 4
player = str(input("Select your character - X, Y, Z or A: "))
if player == "X" or "x":
print("You've selected X.")
p_strength = x_strength
p_spd = x_spd
p_agl = x_agl
elif player == "Y" or "y":
print("You've selected Y.")
p_strength = y_strength
p_spd = y_spd
p_agl = y_agl
elif player == "Z" or "z":
print("You've selected Z.")
p_strength = z_strength
p_spd = z_spd
p_agl = z_agl
elif player == "A" or "a":
print("You've selected A.")
p_strength = a_strength
p_spd = a_spd
p_agl = a_agl
weapon = str(input("Select your weapon - katana, broadsword, spear, or dagger: "))
if weapon == "Katana" or "katana":
p_weap = 'katana'
print("You've selected a katana.")
w_strength = katana_strength
w_spd = katana_spd
w_rch = katana_rch
elif weapon == "Broadsword" or "broadsword":
p_weap = 'broadsword'
print("You've selected a broadsword.")
w_strength = broadsword_strength
w_spd = broadsword_spd
w_rch = broadsword_rch
elif weapon == "Spear" or "spear":
p_weap = 'spear'
print("You've selected a spear.")
w_strength = spear_strength
w_spd = spear_spd
w_rch = spear_rch
elif weapon == "Dagger" or "dagger":
p_weap = 'dagger'
print("You've selected a dagger.")
w_strength = dagger_strength
w_spd = dagger_spd
w_rch = dagger_rch
print("An enemy approaches! It's", random.choice(enemy), "!")
if random.choice(enemy) == 'a goblin':
print("It's armed with a shiv.")
e_strength = goblin_strength
e_spd = goblin_spd
e_agl = goblin_agl
ew_strength = shiv_strength
ew_spd = shiv_spd
ew_rch = shiv_rch
elif random.choice(enemy) == 'a ninja':
print("He's armed with a ninjato.")
e_strength = ninja_strength
e_spd = ninja_spd
e_agl = ninja_agl
ew_strength = ninjato_strength
ew_spd = ninjato_spd
ew_rch = ninjato_rch
elif random.choice(enemy) == 'a swordfighter':
print("She's armed with a longsword.")
e_strength = swordfighter_strength
e_spd = swordfighter_spd
e_agl = swordfighter_agl
ew_strength = longsword_strength
ew_spd = longsword_spd
ew_rch = longsword_rch
elif random.choice(enemy) == 'an orc':
print("It's armed with a battleaxe.")
e_strength = orc_strength
e_spd = orc_spd
e_agl = orc_agl
ew_strength = axe_strength
ew_spd = axe_spd
ew_rch = axe_rch
print("The battle begins!")
p_hp = 10
e_hp = 10
while p_hp > 0 or e_hp > 0:
print = ("Which attack will you use?")
if p_weap == 'katana':
attack = str(input("Slice, Stab, or Spinning Slash?: "))
if attack == 'Slice' or 'slice':
p_atk = (p_strength + w_strength)
e_atk = (e_strength + ew_strength)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Stab' or 'stab':
p_atk = (p_spd + w_spd)
e_atk = (e_spd + ew_spd)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You stab the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Spinning slash' or 'spinning slash' or 'Spinning Slash':
p_atk = (p_agl + w_rch)
e_atk = (e_agl + ew_rch)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Sorry, your input is invalid. Try again.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if p_weap == 'broadsword':
attack = str(input("Overhead chop, Stab, or Slash?: "))
if attack == 'Overhead chop' or 'overhead chop' or 'Overhead Chop':
p_atk = (p_strength + w_strength)
e_atk = (e_strength + ew_strength)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Stab' or 'stab':
p_atk = (p_spd + w_spd)
e_atk = (e_spd + ew_spd)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You stab the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Slash' or 'slash':
p_atk = (p_agl + w_rch)
e_atk = (e_agl + ew_rch)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Sorry, your input is invalid. Try again.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if p_weap == 'spear':
attack = str(input("Slam, Swipe, or Thrust?: "))
if attack == 'Slam' or 'slam':
p_atk = (p_strength + w_strength)
e_atk = (e_strength + ew_strength)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Swipe' or 'swipe':
p_atk = (p_spd + w_spd)
e_atk = (e_spd + ew_spd)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You stab the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Thrust' or 'thrust':
p_atk = (p_agl + w_rch)
e_atk = (e_agl + ew_rch)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Sorry, your input is invalid. Try again.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if p_weap == 'dagger':
attack = str(input("Slash, Stab, or Thrust?: "))
if attack == 'Slash' or 'slash':
p_atk = (p_strength + w_strength)
e_atk = (e_strength + ew_strength)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Stab' or 'stab':
p_atk = (p_spd + w_spd)
e_atk = (e_spd + ew_spd)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You stab the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if attack == 'Thrust' or 'thrust':
p_atk = (p_agl + w_rch)
e_atk = (e_agl + ew_rch)
if p_atk > e_atk:
e_hp = e_hp - (p_atk - e_atk)
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk < e_atk:
p_hp = p_hp - (e_atk - p_atk)
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
if p_atk == e_atk:
print("You both attack at the same time. Your weapons clash, and you separate. No damage was done.")
print("Sorry, your input is invalid. Try again.")
print("Your remaining hitpoints:", p_hp)
print("The enemy's remaining hitpoints:", e_hp)
if p_hp == 0:
print("You have been defeated...")
if e_hp == 0:
print("You are victorious!")
Я уверен, что есть более простые способы делаю все это, но я еще не изучил более сложные команды или техники.
Первая ошибка, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в том, что независимо от того, что пользователь вводит для выбора своего персонажа, программа выбирает только символ X.
Вторая ошибка - независимо от того, какое оружие выбирает пользователь, программа выбирает катану.
Третья ошибка - когда программа выбирает врага, иногда она выбирает правильное вражеское оружие, иногда неправильное вражеское оружие, а иногда и вовсе не выбирает вражеское оружие.
Четвертая ошибка - если программа выбирает врага и правильное вражеское оружие, я получаю ошибку отслеживания, когда пользователь вводит атаку :
line 171, in <module>
print("You slice the enemy and do", (p_atk - e_atk), "points of damage.")
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
1|:/ $
Пятая ошибка - когда программе не удается выбрать вражеское оружие, и пользователь начинает атаку, я получаю другую ошибку отслеживания:
line 168, in <module>
e_atk = (e_strength + ew_strength)
NameError: name 'e_strength' is not defined
1|:/ $
Шестая ошибка - когда программа выбирает врага и неправильное вражеское оружие, и пользователь переходит в атаку, появляется другая ошибка отслеживания:
line 174, in <module>
print("The enemy attacks and does", (e_atk - p_atk), "points of damage.")
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
1|:/ $
Любая помощь приветствуется. Спасибо!