C2665 boost :: альтернативные беды - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 августа 2020

Я портирую приложение C ++, изначально созданное с помощью MSVC2008 и более старой версии Boost. Я портирую его на MSVC2017 с Boost 1.73.

Я получаю сообщение об ошибке:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2665   'boost::variant<boost::detail::variant::recursive_flag<T0>,uint16_t,uint32_t,uint64_t,int8_t,int16_t,int32_t,int64_t,boost::uuids::uuid,float,double,bool,char,std::string,std::wstring,Fraenkel::ByteArray,std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_,std::allocator<_Ty>>>::variant': none of the 3 overloads could convert all the argument types Master Communications Service Group c:\fraenkelsoftware-millikan\core\service groups\master communications\code\commanddatafield.h  317 

Это прототип класса:

#define COMMANDDATAFIELD_H ///< Header guard

#if (_MSC_VER >= 1915)
#define no_init_all deprecated

#include "fraenkel.h"

#include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

/// Fraenkel namespace contains miscellaneous definitions
namespace Fraenkel

    class CommandDataField;

    /// For holding binary data
    struct ByteArray
        /// The data.
        std::vector<uint8_t> m_data;
        /// Default constructor: construct an empty byte array. Note that this will
        /// allocate a zero-sized array, so the pointer will always be valid for a
        /// valid ByteArray; you just can't dereference it.
        ByteArray() {}
        /// Construct a byte array with a given size (and undefined contents).
        /// \param  size    Size in bytes of data array.
        explicit ByteArray(size_t size) : m_data(size) {}
        /// Construct a byte array from a given vector of uint8's
        /// (and defined contents, i.e. copy of the data)
        /// \param  source  Data to copy.
        explicit ByteArray(const std::vector<uint8_t>& source) : m_data(source) {}
        /// Move constructor from vector.
        explicit ByteArray(std::vector<uint8_t>&& source)
            std::swap(m_data, source);
        /// Copy constructor.
        ByteArray(const ByteArray& src) : m_data(src.m_data) {}
        /// Move constructor.
        ByteArray(ByteArray&& src)
            std::swap(m_data, src.m_data);
        /// Assignment operator.
        ByteArray& operator=(const ByteArray& src) { m_data = src.m_data; return *this; }
        /// Move assignment.
        ByteArray& operator=(ByteArray&& src) { std::swap(m_data, src.m_data); return *this; }
        /// Proxy for get() (there's a lot of it in the code, since ByteArray used
        /// to be just a typedef for shared_array).
        /// \return Raw pointer to the data.
        const uint8_t* get() const { return m_data.data(); }
        /// Proxy for size() likewise.
        size_t size() const { return m_data.size(); }

    /// Equality comparison for byte arrays.
    inline bool operator==(const ByteArray& a1, const ByteArray& a2)
        return (a1.m_data == a2.m_data);

    /// Uses Boost::Variant to define a variant type which can contain any of the basic data types,
    /// plus strings, wide strings, or another variant (used for lists).
    /// This means a variant may hold data, or another variant, or a list of variants, and so on.
    /// Adding a new type will mean a new core, and probably will mean all components which use this need recompiling.
    /// \remark The CDFVariant should NOT be used directly. Use the CommandDataField wrapper.
    typedef boost::make_recursive_variant<uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t,
        boost::uuids::uuid, float, double, bool, char,
        std::string, std::wstring, ByteArray,
        std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>>::type CDFVariant;
    /// Defines a list of variants
    typedef std::vector<CDFVariant> CDFVariantList;

    /// This gives the index of each type in the allowed types list, as returned by
    /// the which() method. There should be a way of getting this directly from the
    /// variant itself using Boost's meta-programming facilities, but I haven't
    /// figured out how to do it.
    template<typename T> struct CDFIndexOf {};
    /// This macro generates a specialisation for a given type at a given index. The
    /// hairy template line is a Boost compile-time assert that the index does in
    /// fact correspond to the correct type.
#define CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(T,i)      \
template<> struct CDFIndexOf<T> {   \
    BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((boost::is_same<T,boost::mpl::at<CDFVariant::types, boost::mpl::integral_c<int,i> >::type>));  \
    static const int value = i;     \
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::uint8_t,       0); ///< 8-bit unsigned integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::uint16_t,      1); ///< 16-bit unsigned integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::uint32_t,      2); ///< 32-bit unsigned integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::uint64_t,      3); ///< 64-bit unsigned integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::int8_t,        4); ///< 8-bit integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::int16_t,       5); ///< 16-bit integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::int32_t,       6); ///< 32-bit integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::int64_t,       7); ///< 64-bit integer types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(boost::uuids::uuid,   8); ///< 128-bit uuid
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(float,                9); ///< single-precision float types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(double,               10);///< double-precision float types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(bool,                 11);///< boolean types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(char,                 12);///< character types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(std::string,          13);///< 8-bit string types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(std::wstring,         14);///< wide string types
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(ByteArray,            15);///< uint8_t array (for binary data)
    CDF_DECLARE_INDEX(CDFVariantList,       16);///< recursive lists

    /// A simple vector of CommandDataField
    typedef std::vector<CommandDataField> CommandDataFieldList;

    /// \brief Used to identify a position in a CommandDataFieldList
    /// This is an unsigned type according to the standard; no need to compare it against zero.
    typedef CommandDataFieldList::size_type CommandDataFieldIndex;

    /// \class CommandDataField
    /// \brief A class that can be used to describe command parameter(s) or reply field(s).
    /// Each CommandDataField contains a CDFVariant member, and it provides a means
    /// of setting and getting this variant.
    class CommandDataField
        /// Default c'tor
        CommandDataField(void) {}
        /// Default d'tor. No clean up is required.
        ~CommandDataField(void) {}
/**Commented out to prevent C2280 in MSVC2017
        /// Copy constructor. Forwards to the universal constructor.
        CommandDataField(const CommandDataField& source) : CommandDataField(source.m_val) {}
        /// Move constructor. Forwards to the universal constructor.
        CommandDataField(CommandDataField&& source) : CommandDataField(std::move(source.m_val)) {}
        /// Constructor from byte vector. Forwards to ByteArray.
        CommandDataField(std::vector<uint8_t> source) : CommandDataField(ByteArray(std::move(source))) {}
        /// Templated c'tor. Sets the variant with the given value.
        /// Note that T&& here is what Scott Myers calls a "universal reference".
        /// You can't reliably overload a function once you've got a universal
        /// reference in the mix, for reasons which are too involved to go into
        /// here. So following a suggestion of Myers, we forward rvalue and lvalue
        /// references separately to private constructors and do the specialisation
        /// there.
        template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(T&& t) : CommandDataField(std::forward<T>(t), std::is_rvalue_reference<T&&>()) {}

        /// Test whether the command data field is of a given type.
        /// \return True if held variant's type matches the template argument
        template<typename T>
        bool isType(void) const
            return (which() == CDFIndexOf<T>::value);

        /// Test whether the command data field is of the same type as some other.
        /// \param other Another CommandDataField to check
        /// \return True if the two command data fields contain the same type
        bool isType(const CommandDataField& other) const
            return (which() == other.which());

        /// Array and scalar conversion are sufficiently different that we can't
        /// specialise directly, but we can dispatch through a mini-traits class.
        template<typename T> struct Getter
            static T get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_s<T>(); }
        /// It is sometimes convenient to get the CommandDataField itself as a
        //  no-op.
        template<> struct Getter<CommandDataField>
            static CommandDataField get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf; }
        /// Variant list is really a scalar, since it corresponds to the value
        /// stored directly in the data field.
        template<> struct Getter<CDFVariantList>
            static CDFVariantList get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_s<CDFVariantList>(); }
        /// And the vector version.
        template<typename T> struct Getter<std::vector<T> >
            static std::vector<T> get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_v<T>(); }
        /// Generic get method that works with array or scalar parameters.
        template<typename T> T get(void) const { return Getter<T>::get(*this); }

        /// get template method returns the value of the variant.
        /// \return The value of the variant
        template <typename T>
        T get_s(void) const
            if (typeid(T) != m_val.type())
                throw std::logic_error("CommandDataField: wrong type for get");
            const T *pX = boost::get<T>(&m_val);
            return *pX;

        /// Specialisation of get() for array types. WARNING slow for large arrays.
        template<typename T> std::vector<T> get_v(void) const
            const CDFVariantList* vs = boost::get<CDFVariantList>(&m_val);
            assert(vs != nullptr);
            std::vector<T> result;
            for (auto const& v : *vs)
                const T* val = boost::get<T>(&v);
                assert(val != nullptr);
            return result;

        /// Set template method changes the value of the variant.
        /// \param t Data to set. Must be one of the variant's supported types.
        template <typename T> void set(const T& t) { m_val = t; }

        /// returns the size of the stored array (and will assert if there is no array stored)
        /// \return size
        size_t getArraySize(void) const
            assert(m_val.type() == typeid(ByteArray));
            return get_s<ByteArray>().size();

        /// Overload of set for handling lumps of binary data
        /// which we will treat as lists of uint8_t's
        /// \param pData Pointer to binary data
        /// \param size Size in bytes of pData
        void set(const uint8_t* pData, const size_t size)
            ByteArray temp(size);
            memcpy(temp.m_data.data(), pData, size);
            m_val = std::move(temp);

        /// Specialisation for array types (slow for large arrays)
        template<typename T> void set(const std::vector<T>& t)
            CDFVariantList temp;
            std::copy(t.begin(), t.end(), std::back_inserter(temp));
            m_val = temp;

        /// Uber-specialisation for CDFVariantList, which can be set directly.
        void set(const CDFVariantList& t) { m_val = t; }
        /// Move version of the variant-list setter.
        void set(CDFVariantList&& t) { m_val = std::move(t); }

        /// Comparison operator: compares the underlying variants.
        /// Boost will provide operator!= automatically thanks to the
        /// equality_comparable template.
        /// \param  rhs Comparand.
        /// \return true if the two fields are equal (type and value).
        bool operator==(const CommandDataField& rhs) const
            return (m_val == rhs.m_val);

        /// Provides a means of accessing the underlying variant so that the visitor
        /// pattern can be used. See boost::apply_visitor.
        /// \param visitor A boost::static_visitor
        /// \return Visitor-appropriate return value
        template <typename Visitor>
        typename Visitor::result_type applyVisitor(Visitor& visitor) const
            return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_val);
        /// Visitor, const version.
        /// \param visitor A boost::static_visitor
        /// \return Visitor-appropriate return value
        template<typename Visitor>
        typename Visitor::result_type applyVisitor(const Visitor& visitor) const
            return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_val);

        /// Generic constructor for lvalue references; copies into the underlying
        /// variant.
        template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(const T& t, std::false_type) : m_val(t) {}
        /// Generic constructor for rvalue references; moves into the underlying
        /// variant.
        template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(T&& t, std::true_type) : m_val(std::forward<T>(t)) {}
        /// Vector constructor; forwards to set().
        template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(const std::vector<T>& v, std::false_type) { set(v); }
        /// Rvalue vector constructor; forwards to set() (this won't be any
        /// different from the lvalue version except in the case of a variant list,
        /// which can be set directly).
        template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(std::vector<T>&& v, std::true_type) { set(std::move(v)); }
        /// Alternative copy constructor for copy operations that were erroneously
        /// caught by the universal constructor, because C++.
        explicit CommandDataField(const CommandDataField& rhs, std::false_type) : m_val(rhs.m_val) {}
        /// Get the type as an index into the list. Not for user consumption: is
        /// used for type checking.
        /// \return The list index of the given variant type
        int which(void) const { return m_val.which(); }

        CDFVariant m_val; ///< The variant that this class wraps.

    /// This visitor extracts the variant corresponding to the calling field.
    class IdentityVisitor
        typedef CDFVariant result_type; ///< Returns a CDFVariant
        template<typename T> CDFVariant operator()(const T& val) const { return val; }

    /// Pack a CommandDataFieldList into a single CommandDataField of vector type.
    /// \param cdfs List of command data fields to pack
    /// \return resulting single command data field
    inline CommandDataField pack(const CommandDataFieldList& cdfs)
        // A functor to transform a CommandDataField into its underlying variant.
        // I'm sure you ought to be able to do this with lambda functions, but I
        //  haven't been able to get it to compile.
        class Transform
            CDFVariant operator()(const CommandDataField& cdf) const { return cdf.applyVisitor(IdentityVisitor()); }
        // Variant list for the result.
        CDFVariantList vs;
        std::transform(cdfs.begin(), cdfs.end(), std::back_inserter(vs), Transform());
        return CommandDataField(std::move(vs));

    /// Template function to convert an arbitrary data type to a CDF. Useful in
    /// functional algorithms manipulating containers.
    /// \param  t   Incoming data to convert.
    /// \return Command data field containing the data.
    template<typename T> Fraenkel::CommandDataField makeCDF(const T& t)
        return Fraenkel::CommandDataField(t);

} //end Fraenkel namespace

#endif //!defined(COMMANDDATAFIELD_H)

Строка 317 это в классе:

template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(T&& t, std::true_type) : m_val(std::forward<T>(t)) {}

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 06 августа 2020

При таком способе вызова, как сейчас, преобразование из CDFVariantList&& в CommandDataField невозможно, что приводит к этой ошибке из-за return в пакете. Это приводит к вызову

template<typename T> 
explicit CommandDataField(T&& t) : 
    CommandDataField(std::forward<T>(t), std::is_rvalue_reference<T&&>()) 

, но нет CommandDataField ctors, которые принимают такие два параметра. В устаревшем коде он использовал не шаблонный ctor перемещения. Если шаблон один все еще присутствовал, он все равно не рассматривался.

Странно перегруженный (почему бы не использовать SFINAE?)

template<typename T> explicit CommandDataField(T&& t, std::true_type) 
: m_val(std::forward<T>(t)) 

проблема в том, что T&& равно до CommandDataField&&, а CDFVariant пытается быть построенным с помощью CommandDataField&&. Этого не может быть. Возможно, это должно быть новое определение.

 explicit CommandDataField(CommandDataField&& rhs, std::true_type)
   : m_val(std::move(rhs.m_val))

Полная реализация класса могла бы быть проще, потому что кажется, что ваши варианты использования соответствуют поведению по умолчанию.

    /// \class CommandDataField
    /// \brief A class that can be used to describe command parameter(s) or reply field(s).
    /// Each CommandDataField contains a CDFVariant member, and it provides a means
    /// of setting and getting this variant.
    class CommandDataField
        /// Default c'tor
        CommandDataField(void) = default;
        /// Default d'tor. No clean up is required.
        ~CommandDataField(void) = default;

        /// Copy constructor. Forwards to the universal constructor.
        CommandDataField(const CommandDataField& source) : CommandDataField(source.m_val) {}
        /// Move constructor. Forwards to the universal constructor.
        CommandDataField(CommandDataField&& source) : CommandDataField(std::move(source.m_val)) {}

        CommandDataField& operator= ( const CommandDataField& source ) = default;
        CommandDataField& operator= ( CommandDataField&& source ) = default;
        /// Constructor from byte vector. Forwards to ByteArray.
        CommandDataField(std::vector<uint8_t> source) : CommandDataField(ByteArray(std::move(source))) {}
        /// Templated c'tor. Sets the variant with the given value.
        /// Note that T&& here is what Scott Myers calls a "universal reference".
        /// You can't reliably overload a function once you've got a universal
        /// reference in the mix, for reasons which are too involved to go into
        /// here. So following a suggestion of Myers, we forward rvalue and lvalue
        /// references separately to private constructors and do the specialisation
        /// there.
        template<typename T> 
        explicit CommandDataField(T&& v) : m_val(std::forward<T>(v)) {}

        /// Test whether the command data field is of a given type.
        /// \return True if held variant's type matches the template argument
        template<typename T>
        bool isType(void) const
            return (which() == CDFIndexOf<T>::value);

        /// Test whether the command data field is of the same type as some other.
        /// \param other Another CommandDataField to check
        /// \return True if the two command data fields contain the same type
        bool isType(const CommandDataField& other) const
            return (which() == other.which());

        /// Array and scalar conversion are sufficiently different that we can't
        /// specialise directly, but we can dispatch through a mini-traits class.
        template<typename T> struct Getter
            static T get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_s<T>(); }
        /// And the vector version.
        template<typename T> struct Getter<std::vector<T> >
            static std::vector<T> get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_v<T>(); }
        /// Generic get method that works with array or scalar parameters.
        template<typename T> T get(void) const { return Getter<T>::get(*this); }

        /// get template method returns the value of the variant.
        /// \return The value of the variant
        template <typename T>
        T get_s(void) const
            if (typeid(T) != m_val.type())
                throw std::logic_error("CommandDataField: wrong type for get");
            const T *pX = boost::get<T>(&m_val);
            return *pX;

        /// Specialisation of get() for array types. WARNING slow for large arrays.
        template<typename T> std::vector<T> get_v(void) const
            const CDFVariantList* vs = boost::get<CDFVariantList>(&m_val);
            assert(vs != nullptr);
            std::vector<T> result;
            for (auto const& v : *vs)
                const T* val = boost::get<T>(&v);
                assert(val != nullptr);
            return result;

        /// Set template method changes the value of the variant.
        /// \param t Data to set. Must be one of the variant's supported types.
        template <typename T> void set(const T& t) { m_val = t; }

        /// returns the size of the stored array (and will assert if there is no array stored)
        /// \return size
        size_t getArraySize(void) const
            assert(m_val.type() == typeid(ByteArray));
            return get_s<ByteArray>().size();

        /// Overload of set for handling lumps of binary data
        /// which we will treat as lists of uint8_t's
        /// \param pData Pointer to binary data
        /// \param size Size in bytes of pData
        void set(const uint8_t* pData, const size_t size)
            ByteArray temp(size);
            memcpy(temp.m_data.data(), pData, size);
            m_val = std::move(temp);

        /// Specialisation for array types (slow for large arrays)
        template<typename T> void set(const std::vector<T>& t)
            CDFVariantList temp;
            std::copy(t.begin(), t.end(), std::back_inserter(temp));
            m_val = temp;

        /// Uber-specialisation for CDFVariantList, which can be set directly.
        void set(const CDFVariantList& t) { m_val = t; }
        /// Move version of the variant-list setter.
        void set(CDFVariantList&& t) { m_val = std::move(t); }

        /// Comparison operator: compares the underlying variants.
        /// Boost will provide operator!= automatically thanks to the
        /// equality_comparable template.
        /// \param  rhs Comparand.
        /// \return true if the two fields are equal (type and value).
        bool operator==(const CommandDataField& rhs) const
            return (m_val == rhs.m_val);

        /// Provides a means of accessing the underlying variant so that the visitor
        /// pattern can be used. See boost::apply_visitor.
        /// \param visitor A boost::static_visitor
        /// \return Visitor-appropriate return value
        template <typename Visitor>
        typename Visitor::result_type applyVisitor(Visitor& visitor) const
            return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_val);
        /// Visitor, const version.
        /// \param visitor A boost::static_visitor
        /// \return Visitor-appropriate return value
        template<typename Visitor>
        typename Visitor::result_type applyVisitor(const Visitor& visitor) const
            return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_val);

        int which(void) const { return m_val.which(); }

        CDFVariant m_val; ///< The variant that this class wraps.

    /// It is sometimes convenient to get the CommandDataField itself as a
    //  no-op.
    struct CommandDataField::Getter<CommandDataField>
       static CommandDataField get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf; }
    /// Variant list is really a scalar, since it corresponds to the value
    /// stored directly in the data field.
    struct CommandDataField::Getter<CDFVariantList>
            static CDFVariantList get(const CommandDataField& cdf) { return cdf.get_s<CDFVariantList>(); }

Примечание. что я перенес Getter специализаций из класса. Это совместимая нотация.

Существует нечетная перегрузка конструктора, которая использует перемещение semanti c из вектора в ByteArray.

И я не вижу (возможно, чего-то не хватает, если я не знать варианты использования в вашем проекте), почему можно избежать всего шаблона. То есть оставьте только явный конструктор шаблона и замените все интернализации в коде универсальными, например,

ByteArray b;
CDFVariant a {b};
CommandDataField field{std::vector<CDFVariant>{ a , b }};

будет работать отлично

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