Я создаю небольшую демонстрацию, в которой объекты будут перемещаться на основе данных айтрекера с гарнитуры FOVE VR.
Когда я пытаюсь переместить два моих объекта («Ответчик взгляда - Цель» и «Взгляд» Responder - Fixation "): они не двигаются, и коллайдеры перестают работать.
У меня в Unity3d (2017.4.40f1) следующая иерархия
Иерархия в Unity3d
Следующий код прикреплен к GazeContingenVisualField
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class VisualField_test : FOVEBehavior
private GameObject Target;
private GameObject Fixation;
private GameObject TargetGazeObj;
private GameObject FixationGazeObj;
private Collider collider_Fixation;
private Collider collider_Target;
private float TimeShowFix;
private float T_ShowStim = 5.1f;
private float T_TimeOut = 10.0f;
private float[] StimPos_H_deg = { 0, 0, 0, 10, -10, 10, 10, -10, -10 };
private float[] StimPos_V_deg = { 0, 10, -10, 0, 0, 10, -10, 10, -10 };
private float[] StimPos_H = new float[100];
private float[] StimPos_V = new float[100];
private Material materialTarget;
private Material materialFixaton;
public enum StateTypes { WaitStart, TargetOn, TargetTimeOut, TargetSeen };
public StateTypes CurrentState = StateTypes.WaitStart;
public int idx_stimpos = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
for (int i = 0; i < StimPos_H_deg.Length; i++)
StimPos_H[i] = Mathf.Tan(StimPos_H_deg[i] / 180.0F * Mathf.PI) * 20.0F;
StimPos_V[i] = Mathf.Tan(StimPos_V_deg[i] / 180.0F * Mathf.PI) * 20.0F;
Target = transform.Find("Gaze Responder - Target").gameObject;
Fixation = transform.Find("Gaze Responder - Fixation").gameObject;
TargetGazeObj = Target.transform.Find("Gazable object").gameObject;
FixationGazeObj = Fixation.transform.Find("Gazable object").gameObject;
materialTarget = TargetGazeObj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
materialFixaton = FixationGazeObj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
collider_Fixation = FixationGazeObj.GetComponent<Collider>();
collider_Target = TargetGazeObj.GetComponent<Collider>();
materialFixaton.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.green);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
switch (CurrentState)
case StateTypes.WaitStart:
if (FoveInterface.Gazecast(collider_Fixation))
CurrentState = StateTypes.TargetOn;
TimeShowFix = Time.time;
materialFixaton.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white);
case StateTypes.TargetOn:
if (FoveInterface.Gazecast(collider_Target))
CurrentState = StateTypes.TargetSeen;
materialTarget.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.yellow);
else if (Time.time <= TimeShowFix + T_ShowStim)
materialTarget.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white);
if (Time.time >= TimeShowFix + T_TimeOut)
CurrentState = StateTypes.TargetTimeOut;
case StateTypes.TargetTimeOut:
idx_stimpos = (idx_stimpos +1) % StimPos_H.Length ;
Target.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(StimPos_H[idx_stimpos], StimPos_V[idx_stimpos], 0.0f);
CurrentState = StateTypes.TargetOn;
TimeShowFix = Time.time;
case StateTypes.TargetSeen:
idx_stimpos = (idx_stimpos + 1) % StimPos_H.Length;
Fixation.transform.localPosition = Target.transform.localPosition;
Target.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(StimPos_H[idx_stimpos], StimPos_V[idx_stimpos], 5.0f);
CurrentState = StateTypes.TargetOn;
TimeShowFix = Time.time;
using Fove.Unity;
using UnityEngine;
public class FOVEBehavior: MonoBehaviour
private static FoveInterface foveInterface;
public static FoveInterface FoveInterface
if (foveInterface == null)
// returns the first FoveInterface found here but you should adapt this code to your game
// especially in the case where you could have no or several FoveInterface in your game
foveInterface = FindObjectOfType<FoveInterface>();
return foveInterface;