Я пытаюсь создать класс, который позволяет вам иметь MenuBar, который можно персонализировать в windows. В этом нет ничего особенного, поскольку я новичок в программировании. Я пытаюсь разными способами изменить фон метки за каскадными кнопками, но могу изменить только кнопки.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
class menubar():
"""You can use this to create a menu bar
There are some functions:
ButtonCascadeAdd: Lets you create a cascade button to which you will be able to add more buttons with
AddButtons function
AddButtons: just adds buttons to the cascades. you can chose cascades changing the input number from
0 to 9
Soon will be added color switch and others althought you can already do those things by yourself
since every btns[] object is a tkinter.Menubutton()"""
global labelframe
global contx
global btns
contx = 0
labelframe = LabelFrame(root)
btns = [Menubutton(labelframe) for i in range(10)]
def place(self, width = 300,height = 30,rely=0):
labelframe.place(width=width, height=height, rely=rely)
def ButtonCascadeAdd(self,text = "btns[",tearoff = 0):
"""Adds a cascade button.
You can pass in text to change the button title default is the name of the button in the code
so maybe it will prove useful to leave it like that for develop purpose.
You cant add a command to that from here.
If you need a button with a command and not a cascade look aat the FunctionButtonAdd function"""
global contx
if text == "btns[":
text = text+str(contx)+"]"
if contx == 10:
print("Max number of buttons exceeded the program will be stopped")
b = btns[contx]
b.config(text = text)
b.menu = Menu(b, tearoff=tearoff)
b["menu"] = b.menu
contx += 1
def maincolor(self,bg = "light green",fg = "black",activebg = "green",activefg = "dark blue"):
global contx
for x in range(contx):
btns[x].config(bg=bg, fg=fg, activebackground=activebg, activeforeground=activefg)
btns[x].menu.config(bg = "black",fg = "white")
def doNothing():
print("Doing Nothing ^^")
if TESTING == True:
m = menubar()
m.place(width = 1980,height = 20)