Эта часть страницы создается в результате вызова xhr. Вы можете получить конкретный c фрагмент текста от любого вида, выполнив:
get_description <- function(species_name)
url <- "http://www.iplant.cn/ashx/getfoc.ashx"
query <- paste0("?key=", gsub(" ", "+", species_name),
"&key_no=&m=", runif(1), 9)
jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(url, query))$Description
Так, например:
get_description("Actaea asiatica")
#> [1] "<p>Rhizome black-brown, with numerous slender fibrous roots.
#> Stems 30--80 cm tall, terete, 4--6(--9) mm in diam., unbranched,
#> basally glabrous, apically white pubescent. Leaves 2 or 3, proximal
#> cauline leaves 3 × ternately pinnate ...<truncated>
get_description("Acer stachyophyllum")
# > [1] "<p>Trees to 15 m tall, dioecious. Bark yellowish brown, smooth.
#> Branchlets glabrous. Leaves deciduous; petiole 2.5-8 cm, slightly
#> pubescent near apex; leaf blade ovate or oblong, 5-11 × 2.5-6 cm,
#> undivided or 3-lobed, papery, abaxially densely pale or white pubescent,
#> becoming less so when mature or nearly glabrous, adaxially glabrous,
#> 3-5-veined at base abaxially, rarely with rudimentary...<truncated>