Ниже приведен код моего решения задачи.
Обратите внимание, что я не строго следовал алгоритму, описанному в задаче. Согласно задаче, клиент, обслуживаемый в данный момент, не должен быть частью очереди, но должен быть исключен из очереди перед обслуживанием. Однако мне показалось, что проще программировать, если рассматривать клиента, обслуживаемого в настоящее время, как клиента в начале очереди.
Задача также требует, чтобы вы изменили максимальное время прибытия с 4 на 3 и соблюдали изменения. Поскольку я определил значение 4 в центре, все, что вам нужно сделать, это изменить строку
на следующее:
После этого значение 4 будет автоматически изменено на 3 в обоих местах кода.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
// This header is only required in order to use the assert macro used below,
// but both this header and the assert macros are only used for debugging
// purposes and can be removed.
#include <assert.h>
// Instead of writing the value 720 in several places in the program, it is
// usually better to define the number in one place, so it can more easily be
// changed.
#define NUM_MINUTES 720
// Also, if the minimum and maximum random waiting times are defined in one
// central place, they are also easier to change, which actually must be done
// as part of the task.
// Since no more than one customer can arrive per minute, there can be no more
// than NUM_MINUTES customers, so this array is guaranteed to be large enough.
// If you want to save memory, you can use a linked list and dynamic memory
// allocation instead, but this may be be slower.
static int customerArrivalTimes[NUM_MINUTES];
int main()
// This will seed the random number generator.
unsigned int seed = (unsigned)time( NULL );
printf( "seeding with %u\n", seed );
srand( seed );
// This variable always holds the time the next customer will arrive.
int nextArrival;
// This variable holds the time the cashier will finish serving the current
// customer. The value of -1 is reserved to indicate that no customer is
// currently being serviced.
int nextService = -1;
// This variable keeps record of the maximum waiting time a single customer
// experienced.
int longestWait = 0;
// This variable keeps track of the longest Queue Size ever encountered.
int longestQueue = 0;
// This variable specifies the current length of the queue.
int queueLength = 0;
// When queueLength == 0, queueStart specifies the index into the array
// customerArrivalTimes which will hold the next customer that arrives, so
// in that case it should be identical to the value of queueEnd.
// When queueLength != 0, queueStart specifies the index into the array
// customerArrivalTimes of the customer which is currently being serviced.
int queueStart = 0;
// When queueLength == 0, queueEnd specifies the index into the array
// customerArrivalTimes which will hold the next customer that arrives, so
// in that case it should be identical to the value of queueStart.
// When queueLength != 0, queueEnd specifies the index into the array
// customerArrivalTimes which will hold the next arriving customer (i.e.
// one beyond the last customer in the queue).
int queueEnd = 0;
// This will use the random number generator to set the arrival time of
// the first customer.
// This simulation will start at minute 0 and end at minute NUM_MINUTES - 1
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_MINUTES; i++ )
//check if the next customer is scheduled to arrive in this minute
if ( nextArrival == i )
//update queueLength and test if record has been broken
if ( queueLength > longestQueue ) longestQueue = queueLength;
//print information message
printf( "%03d:New customer arriving, queue length now: %d.\n", i, queueLength );
//remember the arrival time of the current customer
customerArrivalTimes[queueEnd++] = i;
//set random arrival time for next customer
//if queue was empty, start servicing the new customer
if ( queueLength == 1 )
// The following line will abort the program with an error
// message if nextService is a valid time value (not -1).
// This should not happen if the queue was empty. Therefore,
// this would indicate a bug in the program.
assert( nextService == -1 );
//schedule completion time of next customer service
//check if customer service is scheduled to finish in this minute
if ( nextService == i )
//print information message
"%03d:Customer service completed, total time: %d.\n",
i, i - customerArrivalTimes[queueStart]
// This code block will update the variable longestWait if the
// record was broken
if ( longestWait < i - customerArrivalTimes[queueStart] )
longestWait = i - customerArrivalTimes[queueStart];
//update the starting point and length of the queue
// The following line will abort the program with an error message
// if queueLength ever becomes negative (which should never happen
// and would indicate a bug in the program).
assert( queueLength >= 0 );
//if queue is not empty, start servicing the next customer
if ( queueLength != 0 )
//schedule completion time of next customer service
//otherwise indicate that no customer is currently being serviced
nextService = -1;
// This will print the longest total waiting time a customer experienced.
// This includes the waiting time for a customer to finish being serviced
// by the cashier, although the task description does not clearly specify
// whether this should be the case. Also, this does not take into account
// whether customers still waiting in the queue when the store closes
// will or already have had a longer waiting time, as the task does not
// specify how these customers should be handled.
printf( "Longest wait: %d\n", longestWait );
// This will print the maximum queue length that was encountered.
printf( "Longest queue: %d\n", longestQueue );
return 0;