Да, это так. Вот демонстрационный код, подтверждающий мой ответ.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# the x coords of this transformation are data, and the
# y coord axes
# Note the use of different .transXXXX options
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, \
# annotate() takes `xycoords=trans`
# head location
xh = 30 #Data coordinate
yh = 0.25 #Axes coordinate
# tail location (also text)
xt = 40 #Data coordinate
yt = 0.5 #Axes coordinate
ax.annotate("v-centered", (xh, yh), xytext=(xt, yt), \
xycoords=trans, arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '->'})
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