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Доступ к информации в массивах numpy - чрезвычайно полезный навык, о котором стоит прочитать несколько руководств. Я бы погуглил numpy и прочитал, как использовать массивы numpy. Например,
# This is similar to your data, two 3x2 arrays. Here I put them in one large array.
data = np.array([[[1,2],
print(data.shape) # There are three axis, which indicate how data is accessed.
# This also shows how much data is in each axis.
print(data[0,0,0]) # Access the value "1", located at 0,0,0 in the array.
print(data[0]) # Access the first 3x2 array.
print(data[1,0]) # Access the second 3x2 and then the first row of that.
print(data[1,0:2]) # Access the second 3x2 and the 0th and 1st rows.
print(data[:,:,0]) # Access both arrays, all rows, and only the 0th column.