Я нашел ответ, но его было немного сложно найти в документации. Это больше не работает из-за новой функции «Обнаружение». Это выполняется перед всеми блоками Describe, It, Context, BeforeAll, AfterAll, et c .... Код, который был запущен здесь, затем отбрасывается.
В итоге я использовал тестовые примеры с параметром -TestCase для решения проблемы.
Ниже приведена версия с комментирует, почему это не работает, и после этого пример того, как его настроить.
BeforeAll {
# This block will run AFTER discovery. Anything you need to be evaluated in front of the tests should
# be placed here
$testDir = Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Parent
$prodDir = Split-Path $testDir -Parent
$iWillDisappearAfterDiscovery = 'Byebye'
Describe "Describing your tests" {
# Code placed here will be run DURING discovery, and will not be availble at runtime. Placing the code from
# BeforeAll here instead would not work as $testDir and $prodDir would be empty when the tests ran.
# The apparent exception to this rule is that the tests are done DURING discovery and then stashed for when
# the tests run. That means your test cases can be set up here if not done directly inside the -TestCases parameter
Get-ChildItem $prodDir -File | ForEach-Object {
$fileName = (Split-Path $_ -leaf).PadRight(20, ' ')
$filePath = $_.PSPath
It "Vars not declared or changed between function definitions" {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$preSource = (Get-Variable).Name
. "$filePath" -Sourcing
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$postSource = (Get-Variable).Name
[array]$diff = Compare-Object $preSource $postSource -PassThru
$diff | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "$fileName all #*, #?, #TODO tags are removed" {
$_ | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#TODO'))
$_ | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#*'))
$_ | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#?'))
# Here's a correct example:
BeforeAll {
$testDir = Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Parent
$prodDir = Split-Path $testDir -Parent
Describe "Describing your tests" {
# You can still set them up dynamically as test cases
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$testCases = @()
Get-ChildItem $prodDir -File | ForEach-Object {
$fileName = (Split-Path $_ -leaf).PadRight(20, ' ')
$filePath = $_.PSPath
$testCases.Add({fileName = $fileName; filePath = $filePath})
It "<fileName> Exists" -TestCases $testCases {
#using <varName> will dynamically name your tests with data
# from your test cases
$filePath | Should -Exist
It "<fileName> all #*, #?, #TODO tags are removed" {
$filePath | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#TODO'))
$filePath | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#*'))
$filePath | Should -Not -FileContentMatch $([regex]::escape('#?'))
Context "Different Context, Run different tests" {
$testCases = @{filename = 'file4'.PadRight(20, ' '); filepath = '/path/to/file4.ps1' },
@{filename = 'file5'.PadRight(20, ' '); filepath = '/path/to/file5.ps1' }
It "Exists" {
$filePath | Should -Exist
Context "You can also set them up inline like this" -TestCases @(
$testCases = @{filename = 'file1'.PadRight(20, ' '); filepath = '/path/to/file1.ps1' },
@{filename = 'file2'.PadRight(20, ' '); filepath = '/path/to/file2.ps1' },
@{filename = 'file3'.PadRight(20, ' '); filepath = '/path/to/file3.ps1' }
) {
It "Run some tests" {
$fileName | Should -BeOfType [string]