Я пытаюсь установить google-cloud-sdk
в ubuntu-18.04
. Я слежу за официальными документами, указанными здесь . Когда я запускаю ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
, я получаю следующую ошибку: -
Welcome to the Google Cloud SDK!
To help improve the quality of this product, we collect anonymized usage data
and anonymized stacktraces when crashes are encountered; additional information
is available at <https://cloud.google.com/sdk/usage-statistics>. This data is
handled in accordance with our privacy policy
<https://policies.google.com/privacy>. You may choose to opt in this
collection now (by choosing 'Y' at the below prompt), or at any time in the
future by running the following command:
gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting false
Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud SDK (y/N)? N
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vineet/./google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py", line 225, in <module>
File "/home/vineet/./google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py", line 200, in main
File "/home/vineet/./google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/install.py", line 123, in Prompts
File "/home/vineet/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/properties.py", line 2406, in PersistProperty
File "/home/vineet/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/config.py", line 198, in EnsureSDKWriteAccess
raise exceptions.RequiresAdminRightsError(sdk_root)
googlecloudsdk.core.exceptions.RequiresAdminRightsError: You cannot perform this action because you do not have permission to modify the Google Cloud SDK installation directory [/home/vineet/google-cloud-sdk].
Re-run the command with sudo: sudo /home/vineet/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud ...
Я пытался найти его в stackoverflow и github-issues, но тщетно.
Был бы признателен за любой намек, чтобы решить эту проблему.