Ссылки на график сети Highcharts - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 14 июля 2020

Я пытаюсь создать сетевой график с помощью Highcharts следующим образом:

enter image description here

However, I did not see any options to add arrows instead of line segments connecting the nodes in the Highcharts network graph module. Is this possible to do this using Highcharts? If not, are there any better alternatives for this use case? Here is the code I currently have to render a network graph.

    eventWorkflowGraph = Highcharts.chart('graph-canvas', {
    chart: {
        type: 'networkgraph',
        spacingBottom: 15,
        spacingTop: 15,
        spacingLeft: 15,
        spacingRight: 15,
    title: {
        text: 'Workflow'
    subtitle: {
        text: 'Network Graph'
    plotOptions: {
        networkgraph: {
            keys: ['from', 'to'],
            layoutAlgorithm: {
                friction: -0.9,
                linkLength: 100,
                enableSimulation: true
            link: {
                width: 4
    series: [{
        dataLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            linkFormat: '',
        marker: {
            radius: 45
        data: edges

This renders a network graph as follows: введите описание изображения здесь

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 21 июля 2020

Согласно комментариям - вот ответ, как отрендерить стрелки в конце ссылок в серии networkgraph.

Демо: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/cnjw7v2s/

(function(H) {
  H.wrap(H.seriesTypes.networkgraph.prototype.pointClass.prototype, 'getLinkPath', function(p) {
    var left = this.toNode,
      right = this.fromNode;

    var angle = Math.atan((left.plotX - right.plotX) /
      (left.plotY - right.plotY));

    if (angle) {
      let path = ['M', left.plotX, left.plotY, right.plotX, right.plotY],
        lastPoint = left,
        nextLastPoint = right,
        pointRadius = 45,
        arrowLength = 20,
        arrowWidth = 10;

      if (left.plotY < right.plotY) {
          nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) - arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) - arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),

          nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) - arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) - arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),

      } else {
          nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) + arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) + arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) + arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
          nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) + arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),


      return path
    return [
      ['M', left.plotX || 0, left.plotY || 0],
      ['L', right.plotX || 0, right.plotY || 0],
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