Для строк необходимо агрегировать, а для столбцов - суммировать. пример кода для 2x2
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#Create test data frame
tst= sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1,1,2,11),(1,3,4,12),(1,5,6,13),(1,7,8,14),(2,9,10,15),(2,11,12,16),(2,13,14,17),(2,13,14,17)],schema=['col1','col2','col3','col4'])
tst1= tst.withColumn("grp",F.ceil(F.row_number().over(w)/2)) # 2 is for this example - change to 4
tst_sum_row = tst1.groupby('grp').agg(*[F.sum(coln).alias(coln) for coln in tst1.columns if 'grp' not in coln])
expr =[sum([F.col(tst.columns[i]),F.col(tst.columns[i+1])]).alias('coln'+str(i)) for i in [x*2 for x in (range(len(tst.columns)/2))]] # The sum used here is python inbuilt sum and not pyspark sum function which is referred as F.sum()
tst_sum_coln = tst_sum_row.select(*expr)
| 1| 1| 2| 11|
| 1| 3| 4| 12|
| 1| 5| 6| 13|
| 1| 7| 8| 14|
| 2| 9| 10| 15|
| 2| 11| 12| 16|
| 2| 13| 14| 17|
| 2| 13| 14| 17|
In [21]: tst_sum_coln.show()
| 6| 29|
| 14| 41|
| 24| 53|
| 30| 62|