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Пример MFC Поддержка нескольких мониторов с GetSystemMetrics EnumDisplayMonitors и GetMonitorInfo 'для получения дополнительной информации.
Using the code
CMointor is a basic MFC class that allows you to safely use the multiple-monitor API on any Win32 platform.
There are three classes in this library:
CMonitors represents the collection of monitors currently attached to the system and wraps the EnumDisplayMonitors API function.
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//CMonitors' interface
CMonitor GetMonitor( const int index ) const;
int GetCount() const;
//returns the monitor closest to the specified item
static CMonitor GetNearestMonitor( const LPRECT lprc );
static CMonitor GetNearestMonitor( const POINT pt );
static CMonitor GetNearestMonitor( const CWnd* pWnd );
//is the specificed item visible on any monitor
static BOOL IsOnScreen( const POINT pt );
static BOOL IsOnScreen( const CWnd* pWnd );
static BOOL IsOnScreen( const LPRECT lprc );
//returns the rectangle encompassing all monitors
static void GetVirtualDesktopRect( LPRECT lprc );
//determines whether the given handle is a valid monitor handle
static BOOL IsMonitor( const HMONITOR hMonitor );
static CMonitor GetPrimaryMonitor();
static BOOL AllMonitorsShareDisplayFormat();
static int GetMonitorCount();
CMonitor is a wrapper around an HMONITOR handle (returned from EnumDisplayMonitors) and the GetMonitorInfo function. With CMonitor you can get at the characteristics of a given monitor.
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//The interface of CMonitor
void Attach( const HMONITOR hMonitor );
HMONITOR Detach();
void ClipRectToMonitor( LPRECT lprc,
const BOOL UseWorkAreaRect = FALSE ) const;
void CenterRectToMonitor( LPRECT lprc,
const BOOL UseWorkAreaRect = FALSE ) const;
void CenterWindowToMonitor( CWnd* const pWnd,
const BOOL UseWorkAreaRect = FALSE ) const;
//creates a device context for the monitor - the client is responsible for
// DeleteDC
HDC CreateDC() const;
void GetMonitorRect( LPRECT lprc ) const;
//the work area is the monitor rect minus the start bar
void GetWorkAreaRect( LPRECT lprc ) const;
void GetName( CString& string ) const;
int GetBitsPerPixel() const;
//determines if the specified item on the monitor
BOOL IsOnMonitor( const POINT pt ) const;
BOOL IsOnMonitor( const CWnd* pWnd ) const;
BOOL IsOnMonitor( const LPRECT lprc ) const;
BOOL IsPrimaryMonitor() const;
BOOL IsMonitor() const;
CMonitorDC is a CDC derived class that represents a monitor specific device context. I haven't really gone to far with this class but it seemed like a logical part of the library.
Known Limitations
CMonitor and CMonitors rely on the assumption that a monitor handle does not change. This has proved to be a safe assumption empirically but isn't nessecarily a guarantee.
Если вы находитесь в окне 7, тогда перемещение окон между мониторами будет Windows-Arrow