Навигация по объектам и массивам - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 22 января 2010

Можете ли вы показать мне пример в php о том, как получить определенную информацию в каком-то цикле, я хочу получать доступ к [language] и [answer] => [question] => каждый раз, когда она там есть. Спасибо

Array    (

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [type] => text
            [cue] => stdClass Object
                    [type] => text
                    [text] => pri
                    [sound] => 
                    [language] => eo
                    [part_of_speech] => Preposition

            [responses] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [type] => meaning
                            [text] => about, concerning
                            [language] => en
                            [quizzes] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [type] => multiple_choice
                                            [answer] => pri
                                            [question] => about, concerning




            [author] => stdClass Object
                    [profile] => stdClass Object
                            [name] => Tomo
                            [profile_url] => http://smart.fm/users/yubizume
                            [icon_url] => http://assets2.smart.fm/assets/users/yubizume/e1b0e7f8_medium.jpg

                    [username] => yubizume

            [language] => eo
            [dc_creator] => yubizume
            [href] => http://smart.fm/items/830187
            [id] => 830187

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [type] => text
            [cue] => stdClass Object
                    [type] => text
                    [text] => pri
                    [sound] => 
                    [language] => eo
                    [part_of_speech] => Preposition

            [responses] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [type] => meaning
                            [text] => about, concerning (prep)
                            [sound] => http://assets0.smart.fm/assets/generated_sounds/2009111923/a857356fb588022411fa21371a96e494.mp3
                            [language] => en
                            [quizzes] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [type] => multiple_choice
                                            [answer] => pri
                                            [question] => about, concerning (prep)




            [author] => stdClass Object
                    [profile] => stdClass Object
                            [name] => AriadneAranea
                            [profile_url] => http://smart.fm/users/AriadneAranea
                            [icon_url] => http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/489977042/2009-01_-_New_Year_at_Slimbridge_02_bigger.jpg

                    [username] => AriadneAranea

            [language] => eo
            [dc_creator] => AriadneAranea
            [href] => http://smart.fm/items/1773996
            [id] => 1773996

Ответы [ 2 ]

3 голосов
/ 22 января 2010
// $objects is the array with all those objects
foreach($objects as $object)
  echo $object->cue->language; // language

  foreach($object->responses as $response)
    // if there are no quizzes, we skip the part below
    // we skip it because $object->quizzes will produce a warning or a notice
    // if "quizzes" is not a present in the $object

    // quizess
    foreach($response->quizzes as $quiz)
      echo $quiz->question; // question
      echo $quiz->answer; // answer
0 голосов
/ 22 января 2010

Вы хотите что-то вроде этого:


foreach($foo as $i){
    echo 'Language (cue): ' . $i['cue']['language'] . "\n";
    foreach($i['responses'] as $j){
        echo 'Language (response): ' . $j['language'] . "\n";
        foreach($j['quizzes'] as $k){
            echo 'Answer: ' . $k['answer'] . "\n";
            echo 'Question: ' . $k['question'] . "\n";


Два замечания:

(1) Я предложил использовать var_export (), чтобы сгенерировать образец для копирования и вставки, чтобы протестировать его, но, очевидно, stdClass :: __ set_state () не может быть легко прочитано . Извините, если я кого-то ввел в заблуждение.

(2) Собрать его несложно, если делать это шаг за шагом.


// First
foreach($foo as $c => $v){
    var_dump($c, $v);

// Second
foreach($foo as $i){
    echo 'Language (cue): ' . $i['cue']['language'] . "\n";
    foreach($i['responses'] as $c => $v){
        var_dump($c, $v);

// Etc.

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