Расширение на Решение Дэнни , но со всеми возможными способами сообщить возраст для молодых людей (заметьте, сегодня datetime.date(2015,7,17)
def calculate_age(born):
Converts a date of birth (dob) datetime object to years, always rounding down.
When the age is 80 years or more, just report that the age is 80 years or more.
When the age is less than 12 years, rounds down to the nearest half year.
When the age is less than 2 years, reports age in months, rounded down.
When the age is less than 6 months, reports the age in weeks, rounded down.
When the age is less than 2 weeks, reports the age in days.
today = datetime.date.today()
age_in_years = today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day))
months = (today.month - born.month - (today.day < born.day)) %12
age = today - born
age_in_days = age.days
if age_in_years >= 80:
return 80, 'years or older'
if age_in_years >= 12:
return age_in_years, 'years'
elif age_in_years >= 2:
half = 'and a half ' if months > 6 else ''
return age_in_years, '%syears'%half
elif months >= 6:
return months, 'months'
elif age_in_days >= 14:
return age_in_days/7, 'weeks'
return age_in_days, 'days'
Пример кода:
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(1933,6,12)) # >=80 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(1963,6,12)) # >=12 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2010,6,19)) # >=2 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2010,11,19)) # >=2 years with half
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2014,11,19)) # >=6 months
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2015,6,4)) # >=2 weeks
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2015,7,11)) # days old
80 years or older
52 years
5 years
4 and a half years
7 months
6 weeks
7 days