Вот мое лучшее решение, с комментариями:
//assume a date stored as a string in this format:
//return a DateTime value
StringVar fieldValue;
StringVar datePortion;
StringVar timePortion;
NumberVar yearPortion;
NumberVar monthPortion;
NumberVar dayPortion;
NumberVar hourPortion;
NumberVar minutePortion;
NumberVar secondPortion;
//store the field locally so i can easily copy-paste into another formula
//(where the field name will be different)
//Crystal formulas do not use a powerful language.
fieldValue := {PACT.ReferralDate};
//break up the date & time parts.
//ignore the -04:00 offset part of the time.
datePortion := Split (fieldValue,"T")[1];
timePortion := Split(Split (fieldValue,"T")[2],"-")[1];
yearPortion := ToNumber(Split(datePortion,"-")[1]);
monthPortion := ToNumber(Split(datePortion,"-")[2]);
dayPortion := ToNumber(Split(datePortion,"-")[3]);
hourPortion := ToNumber(Split(timePortion,":")[1]);
minutePortion := ToNumber(Split(timePortion,":")[2]);
secondPortion := ToNumber(Split(timePortion,":")[3]);
//finally, return the result as a date-time