У меня есть служба WCF, к которой я пытаюсь подключиться через консольное приложение для тестирования (хотя для окончательного интерфейса перейду в WPF). Я сгенерировал прокси, добавил ссылку на сервис в свой проект в visual studio и вижу все методы, которые я создал в своем интерфейсе WCF:
SupportStaffServiceClient client = new SupportStaffServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_ISupportStaffService");
Однако когда я вызываю метод, который в интерфейсе WCF указан как возвращающий значение, метод возвращает void в консольном приложении.
Метод службы WCF однозначно возвращает сообщение, я просто не уверен, почему клиент не может «увидеть» возврат.
[код услуги]
public interface ISupportStaffService
TutorMessage AddTutor(TutorMessage message);
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
public class SupportStaff : ISupportStaffService
private ITutorService tutors;
public SupportStaff()
// Create the binding
WSHttpBinding logBind = new WSHttpBinding();
// Create the channel factory to the logging service
ChannelFactory<ILogger> logFactory = new ChannelFactory<ILogger>(logBind, "http://localhost:8000/logger");
// Create the connection to the logging service
this.logger = logFactory.CreateChannel();
// Create the binding
WSHttpBinding tutorBind = new WSHttpBinding();
// Create the channel factory to the Tutor service
ChannelFactory<ITutorService> tutorFactory = new ChannelFactory<ITutorService>(tutorBind, "http://localhost:8001/tutors");
// Create the connection to the Tutor service
this.tutors = tutorFactory.CreateChannel();
TutorMessage ISupportStaffService.AddTutor(TutorMessage message)
// First log that we have received an add Tutor message
// Create a log message
LogMessage logMessage = new LogMessage();
logMessage.Time = message.Time;
logMessage.Message = "[Supprt Staff Service] Add Tutor message received";
// Send the log message to the logging service
// Create a request to add the Tutor to the Tutor service
TutorMessage request = new TutorMessage();
request.Time = DateTime.Now;
request.Tutor = message.Tutor;
// Send the add Tutor message to the Tutor message
// Display the message
Console.WriteLine("Added Tutor " + message.Tutor.Number);
// Log the message
logMessage = new LogMessage();
logMessage.Time = DateTime.Now;
logMessage.Message = "[Support Staff Service] Added Tutor " + message.Tutor.Number;
// Create the return message
TutorMessage toReturn = new TutorMessage();
toReturn.Time = DateTime.Now;
toReturn.Tutor = message.Tutor;
// Return the return message
return toReturn;
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://localhost/tutors")]
public interface ITutorService
void AddTutor(TutorMessage message);
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
public class TutorService : ITutorService
private Dictionary<string, Tutor> tutors = new Dictionary<string, Tutor>();
void ITutorService.AddTutor(TutorMessage message)
// First log the fact that we have received an Add message
// Create the log message
LogMessage logMessage = new LogMessage();
logMessage.Time = message.Time;
logMessage.Message = "[Tutor Service] Tutor add message received";
// Send the log message to the logging service
// Now add the new Tutor to the collection of Tutors
tutors[message.Tutor.Number] = message.Tutor;
// Display message that Tutor is added
Console.WriteLine("Added tutor : " + message.Tutor.Number);
// Log the new Tutor
logMessage = new LogMessage();
logMessage.Time = DateTime.Now;
logMessage.Message = "[Tutor Service] Added tutor : " + message.Tutor.Number;
[код клиента]
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SupportStaffServiceClient client = new SupportStaffServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_ISupportStaffService");
localhost.tutor.tutor t1 = new localhost.tutor.tutor();
t1.name = "Big Dave";
t1.number = "t123";
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
client.AddTutor(ref time, ref t1);
localhost.tutor.tutor t2 = new localhost.tutor.tutor();
client.RetrieveTutor(ref time, ref t1);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Press <RETURN> to exit");
[svcutil сгенерированный код]
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public partial class SupportStaffServiceClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.ISupportStaffService>, ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.ISupportStaffService {
public SupportStaffServiceClient() {
public SupportStaffServiceClient(string endpointConfigurationName) :
base(endpointConfigurationName) {
public SupportStaffServiceClient(string endpointConfigurationName, string remoteAddress) :
base(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) {
public SupportStaffServiceClient(string endpointConfigurationName, System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress remoteAddress) :
base(endpointConfigurationName, remoteAddress) {
public SupportStaffServiceClient(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding binding, System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress remoteAddress) :
base(binding, remoteAddress) {
public string HelloWorld(string name) {
return base.Channel.HelloWorld(name);
ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.TutorMessage ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.ISupportStaffService.AddTutor(ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.TutorMessage request) {
return base.Channel.AddTutor(request);
public void AddTutor(ref System.DateTime time, ref ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.tutor tutor) {
ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.TutorMessage inValue = new ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.TutorMessage();
inValue.time = time;
inValue.tutor = tutor;
ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.TutorMessage retVal = ((ConsoleApplication1.SupportStaffService.ISupportStaffService)(this)).AddTutor(inValue);
time = retVal.time;
tutor = retVal.tutor;