Другой подход к решению этой проблемы:
public class PagedGrid : DataGridView
Paging pg;
SQLQuery s;
public void SetPagedDataSource( SQLQuery s, BindingNavigator bnav)
this.s = s;
int count = DataProvider.ExecuteCount(s.CountQuery);
pg = new Paging(count, 5);
bnav.BindingSource = pg.BindingSource;
pg.BindingSource.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(bs_PositionChanged);
//first page
string q = s.GetPagingQuery(pg.GetStartRowNum(1), pg.GetEndRowNum(1), true);
DataTable dt = DataProvider.ExecuteDt(q);
DataSource = dt;
void bs_PositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int pos = ((BindingSource)sender).Position + 1;
string q = s.GetPagingQuery(pg.GetStartRowNum(pos), pg.GetEndRowNum(pos), false);
DataTable dt = DataProvider.ExecuteDt(q);
DataSource = dt;
public void UpdateData()
DataTable dt = (DataTable)DataSource;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DataProvider.conStr))
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(s.CompleteQuery, con);
SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
da.UpdateCommand = cb.GetUpdateCommand();
da.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
da.DeleteCommand = cb.GetDeleteCommand();
MessageBox.Show("The changes are committed to database!");
/// <summary>
/// Gives functionality of next page , etc for paging.
/// </summary>
public class Paging
public int _totalSize = 0;
private int _pageSize = 0;
public int TotalSize
return _totalSize;
if (value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_totalSize = value;
public int PageSize
return _pageSize;
if (value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_pageSize = value;
public Paging(int totalSize, int pageSize)
this.TotalSize = totalSize;
this.PageSize = pageSize;
public int GetStartRowNum(int PageNum)
if (PageNum < 1)
throw new Exception("Page number starts at 1");
if (PageNum > GetPageCount())
throw new Exception("Page number starts at " + GetPageCount().ToString());
return 1 + ((PageNum - 1) * _pageSize);
public int GetEndRowNum(int PageNum)
if (PageNum < 1)
throw new Exception("Page number starts at 1");
if (PageNum > GetPageCount())
throw new Exception("Page number starts at " + GetPageCount().ToString());
return _pageSize + ((PageNum - 1) * _pageSize);
public int GetPageCount()
return (int)Math.Ceiling(TotalSize / (decimal)PageSize);
public bool IsFirstPage(int PageNum)
if (PageNum == 1)
return true;
return false;
public bool IsLastPage(int PageNum)
if (PageNum == GetPageCount())
return true;
return false;
private int _currentPage = 1;
public int CurrentPage
return _currentPage;
_currentPage = value;
public int NextPage
if (CurrentPage + 1 <= GetPageCount())
_currentPage = _currentPage + 1;
return _currentPage;
public int PreviousPage
if (_currentPage - 1 >= 1)
_currentPage = _currentPage - 1;
return _currentPage;
private BindingSource _bindingSource = null;
public BindingSource BindingSource
if (_bindingSource == null)
_bindingSource = new BindingSource();
List<int> test = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < GetPageCount(); i++)
_bindingSource.DataSource = test;
return _bindingSource;
/// <summary>
/// Query Helper of Paging
/// </summary>
public class SQLQuery
private string IDColumn = "";
private string WherePart = " 1=1 ";
private string FromPart = "";
private string SelectPart = "";
public SQLQuery(string SelectPart, string FromPart, string WherePart, string IDColumn)
this.IDColumn = IDColumn;
this.WherePart = WherePart;
this.FromPart = FromPart;
this.SelectPart = SelectPart;
public string CompleteQuery
if (WherePart.Trim().Length > 0)
return string.Format("Select {0} from {1} where {2} ", SelectPart, FromPart, WherePart);
return string.Format("Select {0} from {1} ", SelectPart, FromPart);
public string CountQuery
if (WherePart.Trim().Length > 0)
return string.Format("Select count(*) from {0} where {1} ", FromPart, WherePart);
return string.Format("Select count(*) from {0} ", FromPart);
public string GetPagingQuery(int fromrow, int torow, bool isSerial)
if (isSerial)
return string.Format("{0} where {1} >= {2} and {1} <= {3}", CompleteQuery, IDColumn, fromrow, torow);
string select1 = "";
string select2 = "";
if (WherePart.Trim().Length > 0)
select1 = string.Format("Select top {3} {0} from {1} where {2} ", SelectPart, FromPart, WherePart, torow.ToString());
select2 = string.Format("Select top {3} {0} from {1} where {2} ", SelectPart, FromPart, WherePart, fromrow.ToString());
select1 = string.Format("Select top {2} {0} from {1} ", SelectPart, FromPart, torow.ToString());
select2 = string.Format("Select top {2} {0} from {1} ", SelectPart, FromPart, fromrow.ToString());
if (fromrow <= 1)
return select1;
return string.Format("{0} except {1} ", select1, select2);
с его использованием:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SQLQuery s = new SQLQuery("*", "table", "", "id");
pagedGrid1.SetPagedDataSource(s, bindingNavigator1);
Примечание. Класс DataPrivier здесь не включен, это простой класс, который возвращает данные из любогоисточник.