Этот файл определяет класс HashTable. Ключи и значения в хеш-таблице
имеют тип объекта. Ключи не могут быть нулевыми. Конструктор по умолчанию
создает таблицу, которая изначально имеет 64 местоположения, но отличается
начальный размер может быть указан в качестве параметра для конструктора.
Размер таблицы увеличивается, если она заполняется более чем на 3/4.
public class HashTable {
static private class ListNode {
// Keys that have the same hash code are placed together
// in a linked list. This private nested class is used
// internally to implement linked lists. A ListNode
// holds a (key,value) pair.
Object key;
Object value;
ListNode next; // Pointer to next node in the list;
// A null marks the end of the list.
private ListNode[] table; // The hash table, represented as
// an array of linked lists.
private int count; // The number of (key,value) pairs in the
// hash table.
public HashTable() {
// Create a hash table with an initial size of 64.
table = new ListNode[64];
public HashTable(int initialSize) {
// Create a hash table with a specified initial size.
// Precondition: initalSize > 0.
table = new ListNode[initialSize];
void dump() {
// This method is NOT part of the usual interface for
// a hash table. It is here only to be used for testing
// purposes, and should be removed before the class is
// released for general use. This lists the (key,value)
// pairs in each location of the table.
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
// Print out the location number and the list of
// key/value pairs in this location.
System.out.print(i + ":");
ListNode list = table[i]; // For traversing linked list number i.
while (list != null) {
System.out.print(" (" + list.key + "," + list.value + ")");
list = list.next;
} // end dump()
public void put(Object key, Object value) {
// Associate the specified value with the specified key.
// Precondition: The key is not null.
int bucket = hash(key); // Which location should this key be in?
ListNode list = table[bucket]; // For traversing the linked list
// at the appropriate location.
while (list != null) {
// Search the nodes in the list, to see if the key already exists.
if (list.key.equals(key))
list = list.next;
// At this point, either list is null, or list.key.equals(key).
if (list != null) {
// Since list is not null, we have found the key.
// Just change the associated value.
list.value = value;
else {
// Since list == null, the key is not already in the list.
// Add a new node at the head of the list to contain the
// new key and its associated value.
if (count >= 0.75*table.length) {
// The table is becoming too full. Increase its size
// before adding the new node.
ListNode newNode = new ListNode();
newNode.key = key;
newNode.value = value;
newNode.next = table[bucket];
table[bucket] = newNode;
count++; // Count the newly added key.
public Object get(Object key) {
// Retrieve the value associated with the specified key
// in the table, if there is any. If not, the value
// null will be returned.
int bucket = hash(key); // At what location should the key be?
ListNode list = table[bucket]; // For traversing the list.
while (list != null) {
// Check if the specified key is in the node that
// list points to. If so, return the associated value.
if (list.key.equals(key))
return list.value;
list = list.next; // Move on to next node in the list.
// If we get to this point, then we have looked at every
// node in the list without finding the key. Return
// the value null to indicate that the key is not in the table.
return null;
public void remove(Object key) {
// Remove the key and its associated value from the table,
// if the key occurs in the table. If it does not occur,
// then nothing is done.
int bucket = hash(key); // At what location should the key be?
if (table[bucket] == null) {
// There are no keys in that location, so key does not
// occur in the table. There is nothing to do, so return.
if (table[bucket].key.equals(key)) {
// If the key is the first node on the list, then
// table[bucket] must be changed to eliminate the
// first node from the list.
table[bucket] = table[bucket].next;
count--; // Remove new number of items in the table.
// We have to remove a node from somewhere in the middle
// of the list, or at the end. Use a pointer to traverse
// the list, looking for a node that contains the
// specified key, and remove it if it is found.
ListNode prev = table[bucket]; // The node that precedes
// curr in the list. Prev.next
// is always equal to curr.
ListNode curr = prev.next; // For traversing the list,
// starting from the second node.
while (curr != null && ! curr.key.equals(key)) {
curr = curr.next;
prev = curr;
// If we get to this point, then either curr is null,
// or curr.key is equal to key. In the later case,
// we have to remove curr from the list. Do this
// by making prev.next point to the node after curr,
// instead of to curr. If curr is null, it means that
// the key was not found in the table, so there is nothing
// to do.
if (curr != null) {
prev.next = curr.next;
count--; // Record new number of items in the table.
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
// Test whether the specified key has an associated value
// in the table.
int bucket = hash(key); // In what location should key be?
ListNode list = table[bucket]; // For traversing the list.
while (list != null) {
// If we find the key in this node, return true.
if (list.key.equals(key))
return true;
list = list.next;
// If we get to this point, we know that the key does
// not exist in the table.
return false;
public int size() {
// Return the number of key/value pairs in the table.
return count;
private int hash(Object key) {
// Compute a hash code for the key; key cannot be null.
// The hash code depends on the size of the table as
// well as on the value returned by key.hashCode().
return (Math.abs(key.hashCode())) % table.length;
private void resize() {
// Double the size of the table, and redistribute the
// key/value pairs to their proper locations in the
// new table.
ListNode[] newtable = new ListNode[table.length*2];
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
// Move all the nodes in linked list number i
// into the new table. No new ListNodes are
// created. The existing ListNode for each
// key/value pair is moved to the newtable.
// This is done by changing the "next" pointer
// in the node and by making a pointer in the
// new table point to the node.
ListNode list = table[i]; // For traversing linked list number i.
while (list != null) {
// Move the node pointed to by list to the new table.
ListNode next = list.next; // The is the next node in the list.
// Remember it, before changing
// the value of list!
int hash = (Math.abs(list.key.hashCode())) % newtable.length;
// hash is the hash code of list.key that is
// appropriate for the new table size. The
// next two lines add the node pointed to by list
// onto the head of the linked list in the new table
// at position number hash.
list.next = newtable[hash];
newtable[hash] = list;
list = next; // Move on to the next node in the OLD table.
table = newtable; // Replace the table with the new table.
} // end resize()
} // end class HashTable
Программа для тестирования HashTable:
Небольшая программа для тестирования класса HashTable. Обратите внимание, что я начинаю с очень маленькой таблицы, чтобы можно было легко протестировать метод resize ().
public class TestHashTable {
public static void main(String[] args){
HashTable table = new HashTable(2);
String key,value;
while (true) {
System.out.println(" 1. test put(key,value)");
System.out.println(" 2. test get(key)");
System.out.println(" 3. test containsKey(key)");
System.out.println(" 4. test remove(key)");
System.out.println(" 5. show complete contents of hash table.");
System.out.println(" 6. EXIT");
System.out.print("Enter your command: ");
switch ( TextIO.getlnInt()) {
case 1:
System.out.print("\n Key = ");
key = TextIO.getln();
System.out.print(" Value = ");
value = TextIO.getln();
case 2:
System.out.print("\n Key = ");
key = TextIO.getln();
System.out.println(" Value is " + table.get(key));
case 3:
System.out.print("\n Key = ");
key = TextIO.getln();
System.out.println(" containsKey(" + key + ") is "
+ table.containsKey(key));
case 4:
System.out.print("\n Key = ");
key = TextIO.getln();
case 5:
case 6:
return; // End program by returning from main()
System.out.println(" Illegal command.");
System.out.println("\nHash table size is " + table.size());
} // end class TestHashTable