Информация для тех, кто может просматривать эту тему.
Для запуска всего этого вам потребуется установить pywin32, как здесь http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build216/
Прежде всего вам нужно будет импортировать pywin32
'''@author: www.qcintegration.com @mailto:contact@qcintegration.com'''
import pywintypes
import win32com.client as w32c
from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchWithEvents, constants
Затем в качестве второй операции я включаю здесь действие при входе на сервер
def connect_server(qc, server):
'''Connect to QC server
input = str(http adress)
output = bool(connected) TRUE/FALSE '''
text = "Unable connect to Quality Center database: '%s'"%(server);
return qc.Connected;
def connect_login(qc, username, password):
'''Login to QC server
input = str(UserName), str(Password)
output = bool(Logged) TRUE/FALSE '''
qc.Login(username, password);
except pywintypes.com_error, err:
text = unicode(err[2][2]);
return qc.LoggedIn;
def connect_project(qc, domainname, projectname):
'''Connect to Project in QC server
input = str(DomainName), str(ProjectName)
output = bool(ProjectConnected) TRUE/FALSE '''
qc.Connect(domainname, projectname)
except pywintypes.com_error, err:
text = "Repository of project '%s' in domain '%s' doesn't exist or is not accessible. Please contact your Site Administrator"%(projectname, domainname);
return qc.ProjectConnected;
Второй из всех методов, который будет включать файл OTAapi dll
def qc_instance():
'''Create QualityServer instance under variable qc
input = None
output = bool(True/False)'''
qc= None;
qc = w32c.Dispatch("TDApiole80.TDConnection");
text = "DLL QualityCenter file correctly Dispatched"
return True, qc;
return False, qc;
Тогда основной метод для подключения к QCserver
def qcConnect(server, username, password, domainname, projectname):
print("Getting QC running files");
status, qc = qc_instance();
if status:
print("Connecting to QC server");
if connect_server(qc, server):
##connected to server
print("Checking username and password");
if connect_login(qc, username, password):
print("Connecting to QC domain and project");
if connect_project(qc, domainname, projectname):
text = "Connected"
connected = True;
return connected, text;
text = "Not connected to Project in QC server.\nPlease, correct DomainName and/or ProjectName";
connected = False;
return connected, text;
text = "Not logged to QC server.\nPlease, correct UserName and/or Password";
connected = False;
return connected, text;
text = "Not connected to QC server.\nPlease, correct server http address";
connected = False;
return connected, text;
connected = False;
text = "Unable to find QualityCenter installation files.\nPlease connect first to QualityCenter by web page to install needed files"
return connected, text;
И, наконец, как выполнить все эти методы в одном месте с примером использования
if __name__ == "__main__":
server= r"http://qualitycenterServer:8080/qcbin"
username= "alex_qc"
password= ""
domainname= "DEFAULT"
projectname= "QualityCenter_Demo"
connection_status, text = qcConnect(server, username, password, domainname, projectname);
print "connection_status:", connection_status
В случае возникновения дополнительных вопросов mailto: contact@qcintegration.com
или непосредственно на веб-сторону: http://www.qcintegration.com