Я не уверен, есть ли простой способ сделать это в проекте установки, но вот как мы это делаем в коде. Наш сервис внутренне выполняет удаление, когда вы передаете «/ uninstall» в командной строке.
public static readonly string UNINSTALL_REG_KEY = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
public static readonly string UNINSTALL_REG_GUID = "{1C2301A...YOUR GUID HERE}";
using (RegistryKey parent = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(UNINSTALL_REG_KEY, true))
RegistryKey key = null;
key = parent.OpenSubKey(UNINSTALL_REG_GUID, true);
if (key == null)
key = parent.CreateSubKey(UNINSTALL_REG_GUID);
Assembly asm = typeof (Service).Assembly;
Version v = asm.GetName().Version;
string exe = "\"" + asm.CodeBase.Substring(8).Replace("/", "\\\\") + "\"";
key.SetValue("DisplayName", DISPLAY_NAME);
key.SetValue("ApplicationVersion", v.ToString());
key.SetValue("Publisher", "Company Name");
key.SetValue("DisplayIcon", exe);
key.SetValue("DisplayVersion", v.ToString(2));
key.SetValue("URLInfoAbout", "http://www.company.com");
key.SetValue("Contact", "support@company.com");
key.SetValue("InstallDate", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
key.SetValue("UninstallString", exe + " /uninstallprompt");
if (key != null)
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(
"An error occurred writing uninstall information to the registry. The service is fully installed but can only be uninstalled manually through the command line.",