Так что @Robusto - это правильно, вам понадобятся какие-то словарные данные, которые содержат слова и ассоциируют их как существительные, глаголы или прилагательные.Однако, если вы можете найти это или собрать его самостоятельно (это может занять некоторое время), вы можете использовать объект Dictionary в AS3 для построения ваших массивов результатов:
//dummy data
var testString:String = "Mary had a little lamb her fleece was white as snow";
var testString2:String = "The blue zebra had a rad jacket";
var nouns:Array = ['cup', 'Mary', 'phone', 'lamb', 'jacket', 'fleece', 'snow', 'zebra'];
var verbs:Array = ['had', 'was', 'ran', 'jumped', 'read'];
var adj:Array = ['awesome', 'rad', 'little', 'tall', 'white', 'blue', 'red'];
//Create the dictionaries, in a more complex setting you might load data in from an XML file
//here I'm just pulling the data from the arrays created above
var nounDict:Dictionary = createDictionary( nouns );
var verbDict:Dictionary = createDictionary( verbs );
var adjDict:Dictionary = createDictionary( adj );
//Creates a dictionary based on an Array of words
function createDictionary( wordData:Array ):Dictionary {
var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary( true );
for(var i:uint = 0; i < wordData.length; i++) {
//add the word as a key to the dictionary
dict[ wordData[i] ] = wordData[i];
return dict;
//str is the string you want to search through
//dict is the dictionary you want to use to search against the string
function searchDictionary( str:String, dict:Dictionary ):Array {
//break up the words by the spaces (you can figure out how to deal with punctuation)
var words:Array = str.split(' ');
//store the matching words in the matches array
var matches:Array = [];
for( var i:uint = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
//check the dictionary for the word
if(dict[ words[i] ]) {
return matches;
trace( searchDictionary( testString, nounDict ) );
trace( searchDictionary( testString, verbDict ) );
trace( searchDictionary( testString, adjDict ) );
trace( searchDictionary( testString2, nounDict ) );
trace( searchDictionary( testString2, verbDict ) );
trace( searchDictionary( testString2, adjDict ) );
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