Если вы действительно ищете решение, эта реализация Maya Calendar выглядит довольно хорошо.
Он реализует майя Цолькин в с использованием Java GregorianCalendar
. Даты могут быть получены как в григорианском, так и в Цолькинском формате.
Вот основные части:
/** parses Date specified in Long Count format, e.g. "" */
public void parseLongCountDate (String longCountDate) {
String [] components = longCountDate.split("\\.");
try {
if (components.length != 5)
throw new Exception("Expecting 5 numbers separated by dots");
int baktuns = Integer.valueOf(components[0]);
int katuns = Integer.valueOf(components[1]);
int tuns = Integer.valueOf(components[2]);
int winals = Integer.valueOf(components[3]);
int kins = Integer.valueOf(components[4]);
set (baktuns, katuns, tuns, winals, kins);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid long count date format: "
+ e.getMessage());
/** Set date to given long count date */
public void set (int baktuns, int katuns, int tuns, int uinals, int kins) {
assert MayaTimeUnit.Kin.toDays (1) == 1;
daysSinceGreatCycle =
MayaTimeUnit.Baktun.toDays (baktuns) +
MayaTimeUnit.Katun.toDays(katuns) +
MayaTimeUnit.Tun.toDays(tuns) +
MayaTimeUnit.Winal.toDays(uinals) +
/** @return day name number in Tzolk'in calendar, e.g. it returns 0 (Ajaw) for the day "4 Ajaw" */
public Tzolkin toTzolkinDayName () {
// The Tzolk'in date is counted forward from 4 Ajaw.
return Tzolkin.DAYS[(daysSinceGreatCycle + 19) % 20]; // relative to Ajaw
/** @return day number in Tzolk'in calendar, e.g. it returns 4 for the day "4 Ajaw" */
public int toTzolkinDayNumber () {
// The Tzolk'in date is counted forward from 4 Ajaw.
return (daysSinceGreatCycle + 4) % 13;
/** @return day name number in Haab calendar, e.g. it returns Yaxkin (5) for the day "14 Yaxk'in" */
public Haab toHaabDayName () {
int d = (daysSinceGreatCycle + 349) % 365;
return Haab.DAYS[d / 20];
/** @return day number in Haab calendar, e.g. it returns 14 for the day "14 Yaxk'in" */
public int toHaabDayNumber () {
int d = (daysSinceGreatCycle + 349) % 365;
return d % 20 - 1;
/** @return Gregorian calendar representation of currently set date */
public String toGregorianString () {
Calendar c = toGregorianDate ();
return format.format(c.getTime());
/** @return Converts currently defined date into Gregorian calendar */
public Calendar toGregorianDate () {
Calendar c = (Calendar)greatCycleStartDate.clone();
c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, daysSinceGreatCycle);
return c;
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