Существует сценарий VBScript (.vbs), который кто-то сделал здесь, в моей компании. Он открывает и закрывает определенное приложение, у этого приложения есть иконка в трее, и каждый раз, когда он закрывает (убивает через консоль) приложение, иконка в трее остается. Поэтому после одного или двух дней выполнения сценария миллионы значков приложения остаются на панели задач.
Есть ли в VBScript инструкция для окон, чтобы обновить панель задач и избавиться от этих значков?
Вот сценарий:
' Progam Name: CheckConnection.vbs
' Program Purpose: This script check for an internec connection, the program pings to some domains,
' wait some seconds (5 seconds) before the next try, if a domain is found, reset all counters,
' and wait secondsBeforeNextCheck seconds before next check
' If the programs raise nMaxRetriesBeforeStartProgram then kill the program that
' manage the connection and start it again.
' Usage: This Script must be placed in ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PATHS
' 1) Start --> All Programs --> Start Up
' 2) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
' 3)HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
' 4) Or you can create a task through:
' Start --> All Programs --> Accessories-->System Tools --> Scheduled Tasks--> Add Scheduled Task
' --> Follow the Wizard'
' 5) The program VZAccess Manager.exe must be configured to autoconnect through
' Tools --> Preferences --> WWan --> Connect Options --> Automatically Connect (this must be checked)
' 6) Also to autorefresh the ip the vzaccess manager.exe must be configured with an script when c onnect.
' Author: Benito Lopez
' Date: 06152009
' Revision 1.1 : (11272009) -f was added to force the program VZAccess manager.exe to terminate.
' *****************************************************************************************
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objfso, objfile
Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim secondsBeforeNextCheck
Dim strDomains(6)
Dim nMaxRetriesBeforeStartProgram
Dim nCounterRetries
Const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2, ForAppending=8
strDomains (0) = "www.google.com"
strDomains (1) = "www.yahoo.com"
strDomains (2) = "www.chilpak.com"
strDomains (3) = "www.microsoft.com"
strDomains (4) = "www.flutec.com"
strDomains (5) = "www.flutec.com.mx"
strLogFilename = "c:\checkconnectionlog.log"
filepinger = "c:\pingresult.log"
nMaxRetriesBeforeStartProgram =5
secondsBeforeNextCheck = 60000
secondsBeforeNextTry = 15000
secondsBeforeAppStart = 2000
secondsAfterAppStart = 60000
Call Main()
Sub Main()
set objfile = objfso.OpenTextFile(strLogFilename, 8,True)
nCounterRetries = 0
FOR i = 0 TO 5 STEP 1
'Check the connection status if zero, means
'There is no internet connection or the domain is down
If not IsThereInternetConnection(strDomains(i)) THEN
'Let suppose the domain is down, so we must try with the next domain
nCounterRetries = nCounterRetries + 1
IF nCounterRetries >= nMaxRetriesBeforeStartProgram THEN
'Close the program
targetprogram = "taskkill /im " & chr(34) & "VZAccess Manager.exe" & chr(34) & " /f"
'Wait Applications Events 2 seconds
'Start the program
targetprogram = chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Verizon Wireless\VZAccess Manager\VZAccess Manager.exe" & chr(34) & " -m"
'Wait for the applications loads completely 1 seconds
'Reset the counters
nCounterRetries = 0
Wscript.Sleep secondsBeforeNextCheck
'But we must wait some seconds before the next try
Wscript.Sleep secondsBeforeNextTry
'If we get a reply from the current domain,
'Everything is OK, The only we need to do is Wait until the next time to check
'Reset Counter
nCounterRetries = 0
WScript.Sleep secondsBeforeNextCheck
End Sub
FUNCTION IsThereInternetConnection(strDomain)
on error resume next
'Create some cons values
'Make the ping
Dim strRun
strRun = "%comspec% /c ping -n 1 " & strDomain & " > " & filepinger
Dim objwss
Set objwss = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Hide the windows and wait the app to terminate
WriteLog "Pinging " & strDomain & " ..."
objwss.Run strRun,0,True
Set objwss = Nothing
''Read the ping
Dim strotf
Dim fso
Dim otf
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set otf = fso.OpenTextFile(filepinger,ForReading)
strotf = otf.ReadAll
fso.DeleteFile filepinger
set fso = nothing
set otf = nothing
'Test the ping
IF InStr(strotf,"Reply from")>0 THEN
IsThereInternetConnection = TRUE
IsThereInternetConnection = FALSE
WriteLog "Pinging Result " & IsThereInternetConnection & " Done."
Sub WriteLog(strLog)
on error resume next
Set objfile = objfso.GetFolder(strLogFilename)
if objfile.size > 50000 then
objfso.DeleteFile strLogFilename
set objfile = objfso.OpenTextFile(strLogFilename, 8,True)
end if
'Add some useful information
strData = Now() & " - "
objfile.WriteLine strData & strLog
End Sub