Я создаю календарь с элементами управления ...
Одна вещь, которую мне нужно знать, это сколько недель в месяце ...
Итак NSCalendar
Кажется, именно то, что мне нужно ...
За исключением того, что я замечаю что-то, что кажется странным, и я не могу понять, почему это происходит ...
следующий код ...
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[dateComponents setYear: 2010];
[dateComponents setDay: 1];
for (int x=1; x<=12; x++)
[dateComponents setMonth: x];
NSDate *date = [calendar dateFromComponents:dateComponents];
NSLog(@"Date: %@", date);
NSRange range = [calendar rangeOfUnit: NSWeekCalendarUnit
inUnit: NSMonthCalendarUnit
NSLog(@"%d Weeks in Month %d", range.length, [dateComponents month]);
возвращает следующие отладочные сообщения ...
2010-03-14 13:08:10.350 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-14 13:08:10.351 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 1
2010-03-14 13:08:10.352 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-02-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-14 13:08:10.352 Scrap[4256:207] 4 Weeks in Month 2
2010-03-14 13:08:10.353 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-03-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-14 13:08:10.353 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 3
2010-03-14 13:08:10.354 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-04-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.355 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 4
2010-03-14 13:08:10.356 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.357 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 5
2010-03-14 13:08:10.358 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-06-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.358 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 6
2010-03-14 13:08:10.359 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-07-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.360 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 7
2010-03-14 13:08:10.361 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-08-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.364 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 8
2010-03-14 13:08:10.364 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-09-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.365 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 9
2010-03-14 13:08:10.366 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.366 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 10
2010-03-14 13:08:10.367 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-11-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-14 13:08:10.367 Scrap[4256:207] 5 Weeks in Month 11
2010-03-14 13:08:10.369 Scrap[4256:207] Date: 2010-12-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-14 13:08:10.369 Scrap[4256:207] 52 Weeks in Month 12
Я не могу понять, почему я получаю 52 недели в месяце 12.
Есть какие-нибудь подсказки?
Редактировать 20.03.2010:
Видя, как я не мог использовать rangeOfUnit:inUnit:forDate
для подсчета количества недель в месяце. Я решил найти другой способ вычисления того же значения.
Я подумал, что должен делать это негригорианским локализованным способом, поэтому я попытался начать с получения количества дней в неделе, но я получил результат 28 дней в неделе. Поэтому я начал писать больше кода, чтобы понять, почему ...
Я хотел убедиться, что тот тип NSCalendar, с которым я играл, был именно тем, что я должен был получить ... И это привело меня к поиску некоторых отличий ...
NSCalendar *currentCalendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSLog(@"Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: %@",
[currentCalendar calendarIdentifier]);
NSCalendar *calendarWithIdentifier = [[[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar] autorelease];
NSLog(@"Calendar created with identifier Identifier: %@",
[calendarWithIdentifier calendarIdentifier]);
NSDate *now = [[NSDate alloc] init];
NSDateComponents *currentMonth = [currentCalendar components: NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit
fromDate: now];
NSDate *currentMonthDate = [currentCalendar dateFromComponents: currentMonth];
NSRange daysInWeekRange = [currentCalendar rangeOfUnit: NSDayCalendarUnit
inUnit: NSWeekCalendarUnit
forDate: currentMonthDate];
NSLog(@"CurrentCalendar: Length:%u Location:%u", daysInWeekRange.length, daysInWeekRange.location);
currentMonth = [calendarWithIdentifier components: NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit
fromDate: now];
currentMonthDate = [calendarWithIdentifier dateFromComponents: currentMonth];
daysInWeekRange = [calendarWithIdentifier rangeOfUnit: NSDayCalendarUnit
inUnit: NSWeekCalendarUnit
forDate: currentMonthDate];
NSLog(@"GregorianCalendar: Length:%u Location:%u", daysInWeekRange.length, daysInWeekRange.location);
И это дало мне следующие результаты журнала ...
2010-03-20 21:02:27.245 Scrap[52189:207] Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:02:27.246 Scrap[52189:207] Calendar created with identifier Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:02:27.248 Scrap[52189:207] CurrentCalendar: Length:28 Location:1
2010-03-20 21:02:27.249 Scrap[52189:207] GregorianCalendar: Length:7 Location:1
Руководствуясь опытом @ CarlNorum, я скомпилировал фрагмент кода как приложение Какао 10.6 и получил следующее ...
2010-03-20 21:05:35.636 ScrapCocoa[52238:a0f] Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:05:35.636 ScrapCocoa[52238:a0f] Calendar created with identifier Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:05:35.637 ScrapCocoa[52238:a0f] CurrentCalendar: Length:6 Location:1
2010-03-20 21:05:35.638 ScrapCocoa[52238:a0f] GregorianCalendar: Length:7 Location:1
Я видел надежду в том, что создание экземпляра NSCalendar явно как григорианского календаря приведет к лучшим результатам в моей исходной задаче ... Поэтому я изменил этот исходный код
NSCalendar *currentCalendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSLog(@"Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: %@",
[currentCalendar calendarIdentifier]);
NSCalendar *calendarWithIdentifier = [[[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar] autorelease];
NSLog(@"Calendar created with identifier Identifier: %@",
[calendarWithIdentifier calendarIdentifier]);
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [[[NSDateComponents alloc] init] autorelease];
[dateComponents setYear: 2010];
[dateComponents setDay: 1];
for (int x=1; x<=12; x++)
[dateComponents setMonth: x];
NSDate *date = [currentCalendar dateFromComponents: dateComponents];
NSRange range = [currentCalendar rangeOfUnit: NSWeekCalendarUnit
inUnit: NSMonthCalendarUnit
forDate: date];
NSLog(@"CurrentCalendar Date: %@", date);
NSLog(@"CurrentCalendar: %d Weeks in Month %d", range.length, [dateComponents month]);
date = [calendarWithIdentifier dateFromComponents: dateComponents];
range = [calendarWithIdentifier rangeOfUnit: NSWeekCalendarUnit
inUnit: NSMonthCalendarUnit
forDate: date];
NSLog(@"GregorianCalendar Date: %@", date);
NSLog(@"GregorianCalendar: %d Weeks in Month %d", range.length, [dateComponents month]);
К сожалению, использование календаря, созданного таким образом, не дало другого результата.
2010-03-20 21:15:40.465 Scrap[52367:207] Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:15:40.466 Scrap[52367:207] Calendar created with identifier Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:15:40.468 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.468 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 1
2010-03-20 21:15:40.469 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.470 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 1
2010-03-20 21:15:40.471 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-02-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.471 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 4 Weeks in Month 2
2010-03-20 21:15:40.472 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-02-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.473 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 4 Weeks in Month 2
2010-03-20 21:15:40.473 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-03-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.474 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 3
2010-03-20 21:15:40.475 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-03-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.475 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 3
2010-03-20 21:15:40.476 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-04-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.477 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 4
2010-03-20 21:15:40.478 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-04-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.479 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 4
2010-03-20 21:15:40.480 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.480 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 5
2010-03-20 21:15:40.482 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.482 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 5
2010-03-20 21:15:40.483 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-06-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.483 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 6
2010-03-20 21:15:40.484 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-06-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.485 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 6
2010-03-20 21:15:40.485 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-07-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.486 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 7
2010-03-20 21:15:40.486 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-07-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.487 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 7
2010-03-20 21:15:40.488 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-08-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.488 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 8
2010-03-20 21:15:40.489 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-08-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.489 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 8
2010-03-20 21:15:40.490 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-09-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.491 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 9
2010-03-20 21:15:40.491 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-09-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.492 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 9
2010-03-20 21:15:40.493 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.493 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 10
2010-03-20 21:15:40.494 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.494 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 10
2010-03-20 21:15:40.495 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-11-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.496 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 11
2010-03-20 21:15:40.496 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-11-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:15:40.497 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 11
2010-03-20 21:15:40.498 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-12-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.498 Scrap[52367:207] CurrentCalendar: 52 Weeks in Month 12
2010-03-20 21:15:40.499 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-12-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:15:40.500 Scrap[52367:207] GregorianCalendar: 52 Weeks in Month 12
Компилировать код для Какао просто для удовольствия, на самом деле было забавно ...
Поскольку результаты действительно очень разные
2010-03-20 21:11:24.610 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] Calendar with 'currentCalendar' Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:11:24.611 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] Calendar created with identifier Identifier: gregorian
2010-03-20 21:11:24.613 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.613 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 6 Weeks in Month 1
2010-03-20 21:11:24.614 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.615 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 1
2010-03-20 21:11:24.616 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-02-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.616 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 2
2010-03-20 21:11:24.617 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-02-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.618 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 4 Weeks in Month 2
2010-03-20 21:11:24.619 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-03-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.619 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 3
2010-03-20 21:11:24.620 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-03-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.621 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 3
2010-03-20 21:11:24.622 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-04-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.622 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 4
2010-03-20 21:11:24.623 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-04-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.623 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 4
2010-03-20 21:11:24.624 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.625 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 6 Weeks in Month 5
2010-03-20 21:11:24.625 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.626 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 6 Weeks in Month 5
2010-03-20 21:11:24.627 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-06-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.627 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 6
2010-03-20 21:11:24.628 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-06-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.628 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 6
2010-03-20 21:11:24.629 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-07-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.630 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 7
2010-03-20 21:11:24.630 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-07-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.631 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 7
2010-03-20 21:11:24.632 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-08-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.632 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 8
2010-03-20 21:11:24.633 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-08-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.633 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 6 Weeks in Month 8
2010-03-20 21:11:24.634 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-09-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.635 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 9
2010-03-20 21:11:24.636 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-09-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.636 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 9
2010-03-20 21:11:24.637 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.637 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 6 Weeks in Month 10
2010-03-20 21:11:24.638 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-10-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.639 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 10
2010-03-20 21:11:24.640 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-11-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.640 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 11
2010-03-20 21:11:24.641 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-11-01 00:00:00 -0400
2010-03-20 21:11:24.641 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 11
2010-03-20 21:11:24.642 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar Date: 2010-12-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.642 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] CurrentCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 12
2010-03-20 21:11:24.643 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar Date: 2010-12-01 00:00:00 -0500
2010-03-20 21:11:24.644 ScrapCocoa[52313:a0f] GregorianCalendar: 5 Weeks in Month 12
Я думаю, что это когда я сдаюсь ...