Это моя попытка ( jsfiddle ) для ECMAScript 262 5-е издание (он же Javascript). (Используется, например, Object.keys и Array.isArray)
function Iterator(input,keys) {
// Input:
// input : object|array
// keys : array|undefined|boolean
function my() {
if (my.index >= my.keys.length) {
my.index = my.keys.length -1;
my.key = my.value = undefined;
return false;
my.key = my.useIndex ? my.index : my.keys[my.index];
my.value = my.input[my.key];
return my.index < my.keys.length;
if (input === null || typeof input !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError("'input' should be object|array");
if (
&& (typeof keys !== 'undefined')
&& (typeof keys !== 'boolean')
) {
throw new TypeError("'keys' should be array|boolean|undefined");
// Save a reference to the input object.
my.input = input;
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
//If the input is an array, set 'useIndex' to true if
//the internal index should be used as a key.
my.useIndex = !keys;
//Either create and use a list of own properties,
// or use the supplied keys
// or at last resort use the input (since useIndex is true in that
// case it is only used for the length)
my.keys = keys===true ? Object.keys(input) : keys || input;
} else {
my.useIndex = false;
my.keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : Object.keys(input);
// Set index to before the first element.
my.index = -1;
return my;
function Person(firstname, lastname, domain) {
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
this.domain = domain;
Person.prototype.type = 'Brillant';
var list = [
new Person('Paula','Bean','some.domain.name'),
new Person('John','Doe','another.domain.name'),
new Person('Johanna','Doe','yet.another.domain.name'),
var a,b;
var data_array = ['A','B','C','D','E','F'];
console.log('Iterate over own keys in an object, unknown order');
a = Iterator(list[0]);
while(a()) console.log(" ",a.key, a.value);
console.log('Iterate over keys from anywhere, in specified order');
a = Iterator(list[0], ['lastname','firstname','type']);
while(a()) console.log(" ",a.key, a.value);
console.log('Iterate over all values in an array');
a = Iterator(list);
while(a()) console.log(a.key, a.value.firstname, a.value.lastname);
//Some abusing, that works for arrays (if the iterator.keys is modified
//it can also be used for objects)
console.log('Add more entries to the array, reusing the iterator...');
list.push(new Person('Another','Name','m.nu'));
while(a()) console.log(a.key, a.value.firstname, a.value.lastname);
console.log('Reset index and print everything again...');
a.index=-1; //Reset the index.
while(a()) console.log(a.key, a.value.firstname, a.value.lastname);
//With arrays, if setting 'keys' to true it will only print the
//elements that has values (If the array has more own enumerable values
//they too will be included)
console.log('Print sparce arrays...');
a = Iterator(data_array,true);
while(a()) console.log(a.key, a.value);