Как вы, несомненно, поняли, единственный разумный способ сделать подобные вещи - сделать все замены за один проход, генерируя строки замены динамически на основе того, что было найдено.
Java кажется уникальной среди сегодняшних основных языков в том, что не предоставляет удобный способ сделать это, но это можно сделать. Вам просто нужно использовать API более низкого уровня, предоставляемый классом Matcher. Вот демонстрация, основанная на окончательном Rewriter Эллиотта Хьюза:
import java.util.regex.*;
* A Rewriter does a global substitution in the strings passed to its
* 'rewrite' method. It uses the pattern supplied to its constructor, and is
* like 'String.replaceAll' except for the fact that its replacement strings
* are generated by invoking a method you write, rather than from another
* string. This class is supposed to be equivalent to Ruby's 'gsub' when
* given a block. This is the nicest syntax I've managed to come up with in
* Java so far. It's not too bad, and might actually be preferable if you
* want to do the same rewriting to a number of strings in the same method
* or class. See the example 'main' for a sample of how to use this class.
* @author Elliott Hughes
public abstract class Rewriter
private Pattern pattern;
private Matcher matcher;
* Constructs a rewriter using the given regular expression; the syntax is
* the same as for 'Pattern.compile'.
public Rewriter(String regex)
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
* Returns the input subsequence captured by the given group during the
* previous match operation.
public String group(int i)
return matcher.group(i);
* Overridden to compute a replacement for each match. Use the method
* 'group' to access the captured groups.
public abstract String replacement();
* Returns the result of rewriting 'original' by invoking the method
* 'replacement' for each match of the regular expression supplied to the
* constructor.
public String rewrite(CharSequence original)
this.matcher = pattern.matcher(original);
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(original.length());
while (matcher.find())
matcher.appendReplacement(result, "");
return result.toString();
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception
String str = ">Foo baR<";
// anonymous subclass example:
Rewriter caseSwapper = new Rewriter("[A-Za-z]")
public String replacement()
char ch0 = group(0).charAt(0);
char ch1 = Character.isUpperCase(ch0) ?
Character.toLowerCase(ch0) :
return String.valueOf(ch1);
// inline subclass example:
System.out.println(new Rewriter(">(\\w+)|(\\w+)<")
public String replacement()
return group(1) != null ? group(1) + "<"
: ">" + group(2);