Издержки невелики, поэтому нет большой потери производительности, другие вещи, такие как db, обработка шаблонов и т. Д., Являются проблемами с производительностью, протестируйте ваш фреймворк с простым действием, чтобы увидеть, насколько он быстрый.
Например, приведенный ниже код (frontcontroller), который использует отражение, работает за несколько миллисекунд
* MVC Controller
* This Class implements MVC Controller part
* @package MVC
* @subpackage Controller
class Controller {
* Standard Controller constructor
static private $moduleName;
static private $actionName;
static private $params;
* Don't allow construction of the controller (this is a singleton)
private function __construct() {
* Don't allow cloning of the controller (this is a singleton)
private function __clone() {
* Returns current module name
* @return string
function getModuleName() {
return self :: $moduleName;
* Returns current module name
* @return string
function getActionName() {
return self :: $actionName;
* Returns the subdomain of the request
* @return string
function getSubdomain() {
return substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.'));
function getParameters($moduleName = false, $actionName = false) {
if ($moduleName === false or ( $moduleName === self :: $moduleName and $actionName === self :: $actionName )) {
return self :: $params;
} else {
if ($actionName === false) {
return false;
} else {
@include_once ( FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/modules/' . $moduleName . '.php' );
$method = new ReflectionMethod('mod_' . $moduleName, $actionName);
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
$parameters[$parameter->getName()] = null;
return $parameters;
* Redirect or direct to a action or default module action and parameters
* it has the ability to http redirect to the specified action
* internally used to direct to action
* @param string $moduleName
* @param string $actionName
* @param array $parameters
* @param bool $http_redirect
* @return bool
function redirect($moduleName, $actionName, $parameters = null, $http_redirect = false) {
self :: $moduleName = $moduleName;
self :: $actionName = $actionName;
// We assume all will be ok
$ok = true;
@include_once ( PATH . '/modules/' . $moduleName . '.php' );
// We check if the module's class really exists
if (!class_exists('mod_' . $moduleName, false)) { // if the module does not exist route to module main
@include_once ( PATH . '/modules/main.php' );
$modClassName = 'mod_main';
$module = new $modClassName();
if (method_exists($module, $moduleName)) {
self :: $moduleName = 'main';
self :: $actionName = $moduleName;
//$_PARAMS = explode( '/' , $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
//$parameters = array_slice($_PARAMS, 1, -1);
$parameters = array_merge(array($actionName), $parameters); //add first parameter
} else {
$parameters = array($moduleName, $actionName) + $parameters;
$actionName = 'index';
$moduleName = 'main';
self :: $moduleName = $moduleName;
self :: $actionName = $actionName;
} else { //if the action does not exist route to action index
@include_once ( PATH . '/modules/' . $moduleName . '.php' );
$modClassName = 'mod_' . $moduleName;
$module = new $modClassName();
if (!method_exists($module, $actionName)) {
$parameters = array_merge(array($actionName), $parameters); //add first parameter
$actionName = 'index';
self :: $moduleName = $moduleName;
self :: $actionName = $actionName;
if (empty($module)) {
$modClassName = 'mod_' . self :: $moduleName;
$module = new $modClassName();
$method = new ReflectionMethod('mod_' . self :: $moduleName, self :: $actionName);
//sanitize and set method variables
if (is_array($parameters)) {
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
$param = current($parameters);
if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
if ($param !== false) {
self :: $params[$parameter->getName()] = sanitizeOne(urldecode(trim($param)), $parameter->getDefaultValue());
} else {
self :: $params[$parameter->getName()] = null;
} else {
if ($param !== false) {//check if variable is set, avoid notice
self :: $params[$parameter->getName()] = sanitizeOne(urldecode(trim($param)), 'str');
} else {
self :: $params[$parameter->getName()] = null;
} else {
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
self :: $params[$parameter->getName()] = null;
if ($http_redirect === false) {//no redirecting just call the action
if (is_array(self :: $params)) {
$method->invokeArgs($module, self :: $params);
} else {
} else {
//generate the link to action
if (is_array($parameters)) { // pass parameters
$link = '/' . $moduleName . '/' . $actionName . '/' . implode('/', self :: $params);
} else {
$link = '/' . $moduleName . '/' . $actionName;
//redirect browser
header('Location:' . $link);
//if the browser does not support redirecting then provide a link to the action
die('Your browser does not support redirect please click here <a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a>');
return $ok;
* Redirects to action contained within current module
function redirectAction($actionName, $parameters) {
self :: $actionName = $actionName;
call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $actionName), $parameters);
public function module($moduleName) {
self :: redirect($moduleName, $actionName, $parameters, $http_redirect = false);
* Processes the client's REQUEST_URI and handles module loading/unloading and action calling
* @return bool
public function dispatch() {
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'][strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) - 1] !== '/') {
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '/'; //add end slash for safety (if missing)
//$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = @str_replace( BASE ,'', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// We divide the request into 'module' and 'action' and save paramaters into $_PARAMS
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != '/') {
$_PARAMS = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$moduleName = $_PARAMS[1]; //get module name
$actionName = $_PARAMS[2]; //get action
unset($_PARAMS[count($_PARAMS) - 1]); //delete last
} else {
$_PARAMS = null;
if (empty($actionName)) {
$actionName = 'index'; //use default index action
if (empty($moduleName)) {
$moduleName = 'main'; //use default main module
/* if (isset($_PARAMS))
$_PARAMS = array_slice($_PARAMS, 3, -1);//delete action and module from array and pass only parameters
} */
return self :: redirect($moduleName, $actionName, $_PARAMS);