Я вижу странное поведение от кэширования nhibernate и не могу понять причину. Я не могу кэшировать запросы при выполнении операций выбора, таких как
но может делать кеш при выполнении:
var query = session.Linq<Promoter>();
var p = query.ToList();
Оба производят один и тот же sql-запрос и должны быть одинаковыми. Следующий тест объясняет проблему.
public void Can_Use_Cache()
ISessionFactory factory = Storage.Application.Get<ISessionFactory>("SessionFactory");
// initial hit on the database and load into cache - all fine
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
Console.WriteLine("First Query");
var query = session.Linq<Promoter>();
var p = query.ToList();
// no hit on the database and retrieved from cache as expected - all fine
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
Console.WriteLine("Second Query");
var query = session.Linq<Promoter>();
var p = query.ToList();
// hits the db - should have come from the cache - not working
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
Console.WriteLine("Third Query");
var query = session.Linq<Promoter>();
var p = query.Select(x=>x).ToList();
// hits the db again - should have come from the cache - again not working
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
Console.WriteLine("Fourth Query");
var query = session.Linq<Promoter>();
var p = query.Select(x => x).ToList();
Результаты моего теста, показывающие попадание в базу данных для второго запроса. запросы 3 и 4 не должны попадать в базу данных:
2010-02-28 12:05:23,046 INFO Started Logging
First Query
2010-02-28 12:05:23,156 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
Second Query
Third Query
2010-02-28 12:05:23,315 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
Fourth Query
2010-02-28 12:05:23,318 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_
Кэш настроен с использованием свободного:
SessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.Cache(c => c
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<EventMap>()