Это не красиво и не быстро, но работает.
Использовал функцию записи макросов и просмотрел объектный браузер, чтобы получить вызовы, а затем исправил их.
Мои базовые визуальные знания ограничены, поэтому любая обратная связь с кодом будет очень полезна . Например, я получаю огромное замедление при попытке найти строку class <name> {
. Любые советы, чтобы ускорить это?
Imports EnvDTE
Public Module Module1
Function getFileName(ByRef str As String) As String
If (str = "main.cpp") Then
Return ""
Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStr(str, ".cpp")
If (pos = 0) Then
' not a .cpp file.'
Return ""
Dim header As String
header = Left(str, pos - 1)
Return header
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Function getParts(ByRef str As String, ByRef returnvalue As String, ByRef classname As String, ByRef identifier As String, ByRef arguments As String) As String
' common function looks like:'
' <return_value> <classname>::<identifier>([arguments])[{]'
' ^divider ^colonposition ^parenthesisEnd'
' ^classnamepos ^parenthesisStart'
' exceptions: ctor and dtor'
' <classname>::[~]<classname>([arguments])[{]'
Dim colonposition As Integer
Dim classnameposition As Integer
Dim divider As Integer
Dim divider2 As Integer
Dim parenthesisStart As Integer
Dim parenthesisEnd As Integer
colonposition = InStr(str, "::")
parenthesisStart = InStr(str, "(")
parenthesisEnd = InStr(str, ")")
If (colonposition = 0 Or parenthesisStart = 0 Or parenthesisEnd = 0) Then
Return "Not a function line" ' no colons or parenthesis found? maybe not a function line'
End If
divider = InStr(str, " ")
' do we have a ctor/dtor?'
If (divider > colonposition Or divider = 0) Then
Return "constructor or destructor"
End If
' this might be a function'
While True
divider2 = InStr(divider + 1, str, " ")
If (divider2 > colonposition) Then
Exit While
End If
divider = divider2
End While
' now we have the full return value in 0 -> divider-1'
returnvalue = Left(str, divider - 1)
' and the classname as well'
classname = Left(Right(str, str.Length - divider), colonposition - divider - 1)
'indentifier is right after the :: and before the parenthesis'
identifier = Left(Right(str, str.Length - colonposition - 1), parenthesisStart - colonposition - 2)
' and not to mention the arguments between the parenthesis'
arguments = Left(Right(str, str.Length - parenthesisStart), parenthesisEnd - parenthesisStart - 1)
Return "Success"
End Function
Sub getDefinition()
Dim sourcefile As String
Dim filename As String
Dim header As String
Dim returnvalue As String
Dim classname As String
Dim identifier As String
Dim arguments As String
Dim str As String
Dim line As String
Dim pos As Integer
sourcefile = DTE.ActiveDocument.Name
' get the filename for the current file (without the extension)'
filename = getFileName(sourcefile)
If (filename.Length = 0) Then
MsgBox("Im not in a .cpp file", , "GetDefinition")
End If
' get the current line'
line = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text()
' now interpret the line'
str = getParts(line, returnvalue, classname, identifier, arguments)
If (Not str = "Success") Then
MsgBox(str, , "GetDefinition")
Exit Sub
End If
' the str should be put into the header file as of:'
' class <classname>[:<base>][{]'
' [{]'
' <--- somewhere here'
' }'
' attach the header ending'
header = filename + ".h"
' activate the header file'
While (True)
line = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text()
pos = InStr(line, classname)
If (Not pos = 0) Then
Exit While
End If
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown(False, 1)
End While
' found the class definition'
While (True)
pos = InStr(line, "{")
If (Not pos = 0) Then
Exit While
End If
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown(False, 1)
End While
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = returnvalue & " " & identifier & "(" & arguments & ");"
End Sub
End Module