.NET 1.1, .NET 2.0,
доступно в ближайшее время: моно 1.2.3
все CLI соответствуют: C # (рекомендуется),
управляемый C ++, Visual Basic ...
Массив объектов
* Full OO class design
* Generic typed container classes
* single object for arbitrary array dimensions: scalar, vector, matrices, n-dim arrays
* full support for flexible array modification: subarray-/ creation, concatenation, dimension removal, serialization
* automated reference management: copy memory only if really needed
* support for cells and logical arrays
* Supports all numeric types as array elements: double, float, complex, fcomplex, int16, int32,
int64, uint16, uint32, uint64, char, byte, bool
* операторские перегрузки (A + B, ...)
* статические операторные функции (например, Add (a, b))
* поддержка специальных числовых состояний (NaN, +/- Inf)
Оптимизация для процессора
* AMD: ACML, Intel: MKL, general: netlib
* Automated detection
Алгебраические функции
* abs
* acos
* add
* all
* any
* asin
* (more...)
Линейная алгебра
* matrix multiply, -inverse, -pseudo inverse
* linear equation solver
* decompositions: LU,QR,SVD,Cholesky
* eigenvalues, eigenvectors
преобразования Фурье
* 1,2,3...n dimensional
* transforms forward & backwards
* supported libraries: Intel MKL, AMD ACML, FFTW3
* 100% octave/Matlab/Scilab compatible interface
* Sorting of strings (lexicographical, bucket sort)
* Sorting of numeric data (quick sort)
* generic sorting of arbitrary user defined types
by definable keymapper (bucket sort)
Обработка ошибок
* typed exceptions
Алгоритм базовых классов
* synchronous / asynchronous
* easily extendable for user defined derived algorithms
* full Windows.Forms.Control compatible multiple thread eventing
* Plot panels, derived from Windows.Forms.Control
* Plot dialog forms
* 1D, 2D, 3D data plots
* Based on OpenGL. (DirectX: deprecated)
* Highly configurable graphs/figure properties
* Automatic user interaction: rotation, zoom, auto axis scaling
* Visual Studio 2005(R) AddIn: extends watch tool window
* import from / export to Matlab(R) *.mat files
* syntax vastly compatible to Matlab(R) (function naming, parameter)
* determination of extended machine properties, numerical constants
* Memory pool: automated recycling of large objects