function isEmpty(a) {
if (!a || 0 >= a) return !0;
if ("object" == typeof a) {
var b = JSON.stringify(a).replace(/"[^"]*":(0|"0*"|false|null|\{\}|\[(null(,)?)*\]),?/g, '').replace(/"[^"]*":\{\},?/g, '');
if ( /^$|\{\}|\[\]/.test(b) ) return !0;
else if (a instanceof Array) {
b = b.replace(/(0|"0*"|false|null|\{\}|\[(null(,)?)*\]),?/g, '');
if ( /^$|\{\}|\[\]/.test(b) ) return !0;
return false;
var example = {
'NaN': NaN,
'an empty Objet': {},
'a parse to NaN': parseFloat('$5.32'),
'a non-empty Objet': { a: 1, b: 2 },
'an empty Array': new Array(),
'an empty Array w/ 9 len': new Array(9),
'a semi-passed parse': parseInt('5a5'),
'a non-empty Array': [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
'Math to NaN': Math.log(-1),
'an undefined object': undefined,
'Object Full of Empty Items': { 1: '', 2: [], 3: {}, 4: false, 5:new Array(3), 6: NaN, 7: null, 8: void 0, 9: 0, 10: '0', 11: { 6: NaN, 7: null, 8: void 0 } },
'Array Full of Empty Items': ["",[],{},false,[null,null,null],null,null,null,0,"0",{"6":null,"7":null}]
for (x in example) {
var answer = empty(example[x]),
strAnswer = answer.toString();
$("<tr />", { "class": strAnswer }).append(
$("<th />", { html: x }),
$("<td />", { html: strAnswer.toUpperCase() })
function isReallyNaN(a) { return a !== a; };
for(x in example){var answer=isReallyNaN(example[x]),strAnswer=answer.toString();$("#t2").append($("<tr />",{"class":strAnswer}).append($("<th />",{html:x}),$("<td />",{html:strAnswer.toUpperCase()})))};
table { border-collapse: collapse; float: left; }
th, td { border: 1px solid; padding: 2px 5px; }
.true { color: red; }
.false { color: green; }
<script src=""></script>
<table id="t1"><thead><tr><th colspan="2">isEmpty()</th></tr></thead><thead><tr><th>Value Type</th><th>Bool Return</th></tr></thead></table>
<table id="t2"><thead><tr><th colspan="2">isReallyNaN()</th></tr></thead><thead><tr><th>Value Type</th><th>Bool Return</th></tr></thead></table>