// js heredoc - http://stackoverflow.com/a/32915549/466363
// a function with comment with eval-able string, use it just like regular string
function extractFuncCommentString(func,comments) {
var matches = func.toString().match(/function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*\/\*\!?\s*([\s\S]+?)\s*\*\/\s*\}/);
if (!matches) return undefined;
var str=matches[1];
// i have made few flavors of comment removal add yours if you need something special, copy replacement lines from examples below, mix them
if(comments===1 )
// keep comments, in order to keep comments you need to convert /**/ to / * * / to be able to put them inside /**/ like /* / * * / */
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"/*$1*/") // change / * text * / to /* text */
else if(comments===2)
// keep comments and replace singleline comment to multiline comment
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"/*$1*/") // change / * text * / to /* text */
.replace(/\/\/(.*)/g,"/*$1*/") // change //abc to /*abc*/
else if(comments===3)
// remove comments
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"") // match / * abc * /
.replace(/\/\/(.*)/g,"") // match //abc
else if(comments===4)
// remove comments and trim and replace new lines with escape codes
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"") // match / * abc * /
.replace(/\/\/(.*)/g,"") // match //abc
.trim() // after removing comments trim and:
.replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\r/g,'\\r') // replace new lines with escape codes. allows further eval() of the string, you put in the comment function: a quoted text but with new lines
else if(comments===5)
// keep comments comments and replace strings, might not suit when there are spaces or comments before and after quotes
// no comments allowed before quotes of the string
// url html links
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"/*$1*/") // change / * text * / to /* text */
.replace(/\/\/(.*)/g,"/*$1*/") // change //abc to /*abc*/
.trim() // trim space around quotes to not escape it and:
.replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\r/g,'\\r') // replace new lines with escape codes. allows further eval() of the string, you put in the comment function: a quoted text but with new lines
else if(comments===6)
{ // good for html with links
// remove comments and trim and replace new lines with escape codes
return (
.replace(/\/\s\*([\s\S]*?)\*\s\//g,"") // match / * abc * /
.trim() // after removing comments trim and:
.replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\r/g,'\\r') // replace new lines with escape codes. allows further eval() of the string, you put in the comment function: a quoted text but with new lines
return str
var week=true,b=123;
var q = eval(extractFuncCommentString(function(){/*!
// this is a comment
/ * this
is a multiline
comment * /
,b // this is a comment
from `table`
where b='+b+' and monthweek="'+(week?'w':'m')+'"
//+' where a=124
order by a asc
с кешем: - создать простую функцию шаблона и сохранить функцию:
var cache={};
function myfunction(week,a){
if(!cache.myfunction_sql1) eval('cache.myfunction_sql1=function(week,a){return ('+extractFuncCommentString(function(){/*!
/ * this
is a multiline
comment * /
,b // this is a comment
from `table`
where b='+b+' and monthweek="'+(week?'w':'m')+'"
//+' where a=124
order by a asc
простой текст (не eval'd):
//var cache={};
function myfunction2(week,a){
if(!cahce.myfunction_sql2) cahce.myfunction_sql2=extractFuncCommentString(function(){/*!
some multiline text
with <html>
and a link://to.url
and a / * comment * /