Я никогда не получал CreateParameter
, делая то, что я хотел. Правильная параметризация является необходимостью, чтобы избежать внедрения SQL, но CreateParameter
- это полная PITA. К счастью, есть альтернатива: Command.Execute
принимает параметры напрямую.
dim cmd, rs, rows_affected
set cmd = Server.createObject("adodb.command")
cmd.commandText = "select from Foo where id=?"
set cmd.activeConnection = someConnection
set rs = cmd.execute(rows_affected, Array(42))
Гораздо приятнее, когда вы завернуты в правильную абстракцию. Я написал свою собственную упаковку класса базы данных ADODB.Connection
, чтобы мне не пришлось делать все это вручную. Он немного зависит от других пользовательских классов, но суть этого должна быть очевидна:
class DatabaseClass
' A database abstraction class with a more convenient interface than
' ADODB.Connection. Provides several simple methods to safely query a
' database without the risk of SQL injection or the half-dozen lines of
' boilerplate otherwise necessary to avoid it.
' Example:
' dim db, record, record_set, rows_affected
' set db = Database("/path/to/db")
' set record = db.get_record("select * from T where id=?;", Array(42))
' set record_set = db.get_records("select * from T;", empty)
' rows_affected = db.execute("delete from T where foo=? and bar=?",
' Array("foo; select from T where bar=", true))
private connection_
' An ADODB connection object. Should never be null.
end sub
public function init (path)
' Initializes a new database with an ADODB connection to the database at
' the specified path. Path must be a relative server path to an Access
' database. Returns me.
set connection_ = Server.createObject ("adodb.connection")
connection_.provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
connection_.open Server.mapPath(path)
set init = me
end function
public function get_record (query, args)
' Fetches the first record returned from the supplied query wrapped in a
' HeavyRecord, or nothing if there are no results.
dim data: set data = native_recordset(query, args)
if data.eof then
set get_record = nothing
set get_record = (new HeavyRecordClass).init(data)
end if
end function
public function get_records (query, args)
' Fetches all records returned from the supplied query wrapped in a
' RecordSet (different from the ADODB recordset; implemented below).
set get_records = (new RecordSetClass).init(native_recordset(query, args))
end function
public function execute (query, args)
' Executes the supplied query and returns the number of rows affected.
dim rows_affected
build_command(query).execute rows_affected, args
execute = rows_affected
end function
private function build_command (query)
' Helper method to build an ADODB command from the supplied query.
set build_command = Server.createObject("adodb.command")
build_command.commandText = query
set build_command.activeConnection = connection_
end function
private function native_recordset (query, args)
' Helper method that takes a query string and array of arguments, queries
' the ADODB connection, and returns an ADODB recordset containing the
' result.
set native_recordset = build_command(query).execute( , args) ' Omits out-parameter for number of rows
end function
end class