Я создаю небольшое приложение, которое позволяет пользователю конвертировать изображения в различные размеры и форматы. Я изо всех сил пытался получить хороший твердый дизайн с этим приложением. У меня есть приложение и работает, но оно интегрирует хороший объектно-ориентированный дизайн. Поскольку это личный проект, я хотел узнать больше об интеграции интерфейсов, хорошем наследовании классов, составлении объектов и других элементах ОО-дизайна.
Однако я изо всех сил пытался это сделать. Не поймите меня неправильно, я знаю о дизайне ОО и что это такое, я просто не знаю, как реализовать хороший дизайн ОО в проектах. Конечно, легко взглянуть на примеры занятий, которые вы читаете в книгах или онлайн. Примеры могут иметь простые сценарии, такие как следующие.
Интерфейс IPerson имеет функции-члены Walk () , Run () . Абстрактный класс Person использует Интерфейс IPerson . Класс Man и Класс Female наследуется от Abstract Class Person .
но когда дело доходит до Реальные проекты Я изо всех сил пытаюсь реализовать хороший дизайн. Я надеялся на некоторое понимание. Вот что у меня сейчас есть.
interface IPicture
Bitmap ReturnImage(string path, int width, int height);
Основной класс, который содержит информацию об изображении. Этот класс в основном хранит информацию о переданном изображении и информацию о новых значениях, которые хочет пользователь (то есть новый размер, новое местоположение файла, новый формат изображения и т. Д.)
public class MyPictures : IPicture
//All Private variables below are properties. Property get/set's have been removed
//for the sake of space
private int _NewWidth;
private int _NewHeight;
private string _NewImgName;
private string _NewImgPath;
private string _NewImgFullPath;
private ImageFormat _NewImgFormat;
//Declare variables to hold values that have been determined
private int _OldWidth;
private int _OldHeight;
private string _OldImgName;
private string _OldImgPath;
//Old Image Format is in String format because of certain extension scenarios.
private string _OldImgFormat;
public MyPictures(Image img, string file)
//...set properties based on passed variables in constructor...
public void ClearProperties()
_NewWidth = 0;
_NewHeight = 0;
_NewImgName = "";
_NewImgPath = "";
_NewImgFullPath = "";
_NewImgFormat = null;
_OldWidth = 0;
_OldHeight = 0;
_OldImgName = "";
_OldImgPath = "";
_OldImgFormat = null;
public override string ToString()
return _OldImgPath;
public void ImageSave()
Bitmap tempBmp = new Bitmap(_OldImgPath);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(tempBmp, _NewWidth, _NewHeight);
bmp.Save(_NewImgPath + @"\" + _NewImgName + "." + _NewImgFormat.ToString().ToLower(), _NewImgFormat);
public Bitmap ImageClone()
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(_OldImgPath);
return bmp;
Bitmap IPicture.ReturnImage(string path, int width, int height)
return new Bitmap(new Bitmap(path), width, height);
основной класс; Начальная точка приложения. Это определенно нуждается в некоторой работе ...
public partial class Form1 : Form
static bool hasThreadBeenStopped = false;
static bool imageProcessingComplete = false;
static bool imgConstrained = false;
//Default text when user selects 'All' checkbox for new image name
static string newNameDefault = "'Name' + #";
Utility.Validation.Validate valid = new Utility.Validation.Validate();
public Form1()
//Populate Combo Box With Possible Image Formats...
//Conditionally show Image Properties...
//Set static progress bar properties...
progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
progressBar1.Step = 1;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblImgProcessed.Text = "";
lblFile.Text = "";
txtContentFolder.Text = "";
//Delegate declarations. Used for multi-thread processing
public delegate void PopulateTextboxDelegate(Label lbl, string text);
public delegate void ThreadWorkDelegate(Label lbl, string text);
public delegate void ImageDisplayDelegate(Image i);
public delegate void ProgressBarDelegate(ProgressBar p, int step, int value);
//Populate textbox fields with image processed, and image path being processed
public void PopulateTextbox(Label lbl, string text)
lbl.Text = "";
lbl.Text = text;
public void ThreadWork(Label lbl, string text)
this.Invoke(new PopulateTextboxDelegate(PopulateTextbox),
new object[] { lbl, text });
//Display Currently Processed Image
public void ImageDisplay(Image i)
pbMain.Image = null;
pbMain.Image = i;
public void ThreadWorkImg(Image i)
this.Invoke(new ImageDisplayDelegate(ImageDisplay),
new object[] {i});
//Increment Progress Bar
public void ProgressBarDisplay(ProgressBar pg, int max, int value)
//Dynamically set the Progress Bar properties
pg.Maximum = max;
pg.Value = value;
public void ThreadProgress(ProgressBar p, int max, int value)
this.Invoke(new ProgressBarDelegate(ProgressBarDisplay),
new object[] { p, max, value });
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string IsValidResult = IsValid();
//If string is empty, Utility passed
if (IsValidResult == "")
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ProcessFiles));
public void ProcessFiles()
int count = 0;
ThreadWorkDelegate w = ThreadWork;
ImageDisplayDelegate im = ThreadWorkImg;
ProgressBarDelegate pb = ThreadProgress;
foreach (MyPictures mp in lstHold.Items)
if (hasThreadBeenStopped == false)
//Disable certain controls during process. We will use the generic
//MethodInvoker, which Represents a delegate that can execute any method
//in managed code that is declared void and takes no parameters.
//Using the MethodInvoker is good when simple delegates are needed. Ironically,
//this way of multi-thread delegation was used because the traditional way as used
//by the rest of the delegates in this method, was not working.
btnApply.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnApply.Enabled = false; }));
btnStart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnStart.Enabled = false; }));
//Call delegate to show current picture being processed
im.BeginInvoke(mp.ImageClone(), null, null);
//Increment Count; Image has been processed
//Invoke Img Proceessed Output
w.BeginInvoke(lblImgProcessed, count.ToString() +
" of " + lstHold.Items.Count.ToString() + " processed",
null, null);
//Invoke File Process Output
w.BeginInvoke(lblFile, mp.NewImgPath, null, null);
//Invoke Progressbar output. Delegate is passed The count of images,
//which will be set as the progressbar max value. the 'count' variable is
//passed to determine the current value.
pb.BeginInvoke(progressBar1, lstHold.Items.Count, count, null, null);
else //Thread has been called to stop
MessageBox.Show("Image Processing Stopped: " + count + "of " +
lstHold.Items.Count + " processed");
//Enable controls after process
btnApply.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnApply.Enabled = true; }));
btnStart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnStart.Enabled = true; }));
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error while processing pictures");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error while attempting to execute pictures: " + ex.ToString());
//Loop has ended:
//In finally statement, re-enable disabled controls
//Enable certain controls during process
btnApply.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnApply.Enabled = true; }));
btnStart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { btnStart.Enabled = true; }));
//Reset class variables
hasThreadBeenStopped = false;
imageProcessingComplete = false;
private void btnContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selection = null;
string[] files = null;
selection = contentBrowser.SelectedPath;
txtContentFolder.Text = selection;
if (selection != "" || selection != null)
files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(selection.Trim());
foreach (string file in files)
catch (Exception ex)
// MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
private void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Grab files from folder based on user input in the textbox.
string selection = txtContentFolder.Text.Trim();
string[] files = null;
if (valid.IsNull(selection) == false || valid.IsEmpty(selection) == false)
files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(selection);
foreach (string file in files)
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Directory");
txtContentFolder.Text = selection;
private void btnDestination_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selection = null;
selection = destinationBrowser.SelectedPath;
txtNewImgPath.Text = selection;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Flag variable that the stop button has been called. This variable is checked
//conditionally when looping over each picture.
hasThreadBeenStopped = true;
public string IsValid()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
if (lstHold.Items.Count <= 0)
return "No items exist to process";
//Validate that there is a value in each field for every object in lstHold. All the fields will be
//validated. Note: If there is one invalid field, the rest do not need to be considered.
foreach (MyPictures mp in lstHold.Items)
if (mp.NewImgName == "")
sb.Append(mp.OldImgPath + ", ");
else if (mp.NewImgPath == "")
sb.Append(mp.OldImgPath + ", ");
else if (mp.NewImgFormat == null)
sb.Append(mp.OldImgPath + ", ");
else if (mp.NewWidth == 0)
sb.Append(mp.OldImgPath + ", ");
else if (mp.NewHeight == 0)
sb.Append(mp.OldImgPath + ", ");
//If the returned string is empty, the image is valid. The check for the listbox's count
//will return a string immediatly if false. Because of this, we know that the returning
//string at this level will either be empty (validation passed) or filled with image paths
//of images missing required values. If image is not valid, return this concatenated string of image paths
//that are missing values, and insert a prefixed string literal to this list.
if (sb.ToString() != "")
sb.Insert(0, "The following images are missing required values: ");
return sb.ToString();
else //String is empty and has passed validation
return sb.ToString();
private void btnMoveOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Loop through All strings in the lstAll list box. Then use each picture path to convert
//each picture into their own class
foreach (string file in lstAll.SelectedItems)
//isImgExistFlag is a flag indicating wheter the image coming from lstAll already exists
//in lstHold. By default, the variable is false. It is set to true if an image does exist
//This variable must be re-created within the scope of the main foreach loop to ensure a proper
//reset of the variable for each image comparison.
bool isImgExistFlag = false;
Image img;
img = Image.FromFile(file);
MyPictures mp = new MyPictures(img,file);
//If lstHold contains no items, add the item with no validation check.
if (lstHold.Items.Count == 0)
//Run through each object in the lstHold to determine if the newly created object
//already exists in list box lstHold.
for (int i = 0; i < lstHold.Items.Count; i++)
MyPictures p = (MyPictures)lstHold.Items[i];
//Unique objects will be identified by their Original Image Path, because
//this value will be unique
if (p.OldImgPath == mp.OldImgPath)
isImgExistFlag = true;
//If isImgExistFlag is false, the current Image object doesnt currently exist
//in list box. Therefore, add it to the list.
if (isImgExistFlag == false)
catch (Exception ex)
private void btnMoveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//This event has the same functionality as btnMoveOne_Click, except the main foreach loop
//is based on all of lstAll's items, rather than just the selected items.
foreach (string file in lstAll.Items)
bool isImgExistFlag = false;
Image img;
img = Image.FromFile(file);
MyPictures mp = new MyPictures(img, file);
if (lstHold.Items.Count == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < lstHold.Items.Count; i++)
MyPictures p = (MyPictures)lstHold.Items[i];
if (p.OldImgPath == mp.OldImgPath)
isImgExistFlag = true;
if (isImgExistFlag == false)
catch (Exception ex)
private void btnRemoveOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Create a seperate List to populate:
This is necessary because if you explicitly remove an item from the listbox
you will get the following error:
"List that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can
only be used if the list does not change."
//This variable will keep track of the first index processed.
int first_index = 0;
int count = 0;
List<MyPictures> TempMp = new List<MyPictures>();
if (lstHold.Items.Count >= 1)
foreach (MyPictures mp in lstHold.SelectedItems)
if (count == 0)
first_index = lstHold.SelectedIndex;
//Add objects to be removed
foreach (MyPictures mp2 in TempMp)
catch (Exception ex)
//Hide Error: MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
//Select new item in list if possible, as long as there is a item in the list
if (lstHold.Items.Count >= 1)
//If the first_index variable = the amount of items in the list, the new selected index
//should be the first index -1. This is because the variable first_index would be the
//index of the now deleted item in the list. Therefore we must subtract the variable by 1
//before assigning it to the selected value. Otherwise, we'll be assigning a selected index that
//no longer exists.
//There is also a check to make sure there is more than one item in the list. Otherwise, we could
//potentially assign a selected index of -1.
if (first_index == lstHold.Items.Count && lstHold.Items.Count != 1)
lstHold.SelectedIndex = first_index - 1;
else if (lstHold.Items.Count == 1)
lstHold.SelectedIndex = 0;
lstHold.SelectedIndex = first_index;
private void btnRemoveAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void lstHold_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//This prevents trying to access a negative index. This can happen when a item is removed.
if (lstHold.SelectedIndex >= 0)
MyPictures mp = (MyPictures)lstHold.Items[lstHold.SelectedIndex];
txtOldName.Text = mp.OldImgName;
txtOldImgPath.Text = mp.OldImgPath;
txtOldImgFormat.Text = mp.OldImgFormat.ToString();
txtOldWidth.Text = mp.OldWidth.ToString();
txtOldHeight.Text = mp.OldHeight.ToString();
txtNewName.Text = mp.NewImgName;
cbFormat.SelectedItem = mp.NewImgFormat;
txtNewWidth.Text = mp.NewWidth.ToString();
txtNewHeight.Text = mp.NewHeight.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
//Call function to determine which controls should be enabled/disabled
private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Reset color. It could be grey depending on if user changed default name.
txtNewName.ForeColor = Color.Black;
if (lstHold.SelectedIndex == -1)
MessageBox.Show("Picture not selected. Select picture to apply properties to.");
else if (lstHold.SelectedIndex >= 0)
MyPictures mp = (MyPictures)lstHold.Items[lstHold.SelectedIndex];
//User wants to apply a generated name to all pictures within the list
if (chkNewPicName.Checked == true)
int count = 0;
foreach (MyPictures pic in lstHold.Items)
pic.NewImgName = txtNewName.Text + count.ToString();
txtNewName.Text = mp.NewImgName;
//User wants to apply a custom name to this picture only
mp.NewImgName = txtNewName.Text;
//User wants to apply this path to all pictures within the list
if (chkNewPicPath.Checked == true)
foreach (MyPictures pic in lstHold.Items)
pic.NewImgPath = txtNewImgPath.Text;
txtNewImgPath.Text = mp.NewImgPath;
//User wants to apply this path to this picture only
mp.NewImgPath = txtNewImgPath.Text;
//User wants to apply this image format to all pictures within the list
if (chkNewPicFormat.Checked == true)
foreach (MyPictures pic in lstHold.Items)
pic.NewImgFormat = (ImageFormat)cbFormat.SelectedItem;
//User wants to apply this image format to this picture only
mp.NewImgFormat = (ImageFormat)cbFormat.SelectedItem;
//User wants to apply this size to all pictures
if (chkNewSize.Checked == true)
foreach (MyPictures pic in lstHold.Items)
pic.NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewWidth.Text);
pic.NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewHeight.Text);
txtNewWidth.Text = mp.NewWidth.ToString();
txtNewHeight.Text = mp.NewHeight.ToString();
//User wants to apply this size to this picture only
mp.NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewWidth.Text);
mp.NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewHeight.Text);
mp.NewImgName = txtNewName.Text;
mp.NewImgFormat = (ImageFormat)cbFormat.SelectedItem;
mp.NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewWidth.Text);
mp.NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewHeight.Text);
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (chkSelectAll.Checked)
chkNewPicName.Checked = true;
chkNewPicPath.Checked = true;
chkNewPicFormat.Checked = true;
chkNewSize.Checked = true;
chkNewPicName.Checked = false;
chkNewPicPath.Checked = false;
chkNewPicFormat.Checked = false;
chkNewSize.Checked = false;
private void previewToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("hi there!");
private void btnPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lstHold.Items.Count <= 0)
MessageBox.Show("No pictures are available to preview");
else if (lstHold.SelectedItem == null)
MessageBox.Show("No picture is selected to preview");
MyPictures mp = (MyPictures)lstHold.SelectedItem;
//Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(mp.OldImgPath);
Form2 frm = new Form2(mp);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error has occured:\n " + ex.ToString());
public void ImgPropertiesEnabled()
//Enable Image properties when an image is selected
if (lstHold.SelectedIndex >= 0)
gbCheckAll.Enabled = true;
gbImgProperties.Enabled = true;
//Disable Image properties when an image is not selected
gbCheckAll.Enabled = false;
gbImgProperties.Enabled = false;
//Preview buttons enablement will depend on the same conditions
btnPreview.Enabled = gbImgProperties.Enabled;
public void ClearTextBoxes()
txtNewImgPath.Text = "";
txtNewName.Text = "";
txtNewHeight.Text = Convert.ToString(0);
txtNewWidth.Text = Convert.ToString(0);
cbFormat.SelectedItem = null;
chkSelectAll.Checked = false;