Также портировано на F # для использования с FAKE
module NetworkShare
open System
open System.ComponentModel
open System.IO
open System.Net
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type ResourceScope =
| Connected = 1
| GlobalNetwork = 2
| Remembered = 3
| Recent = 4
type ResourceType =
| Any = 0
| Disk = 1
| Print = 2
| Reserved = 8
type ResourceDisplayType =
| Generic = 0x0
| Domain = 0x01
| Server = 0x02
| Share = 0x03
| File = 0x04
| Group = 0x05
| Network = 0x06
| Root = 0x07
| Shareadmin = 0x08
| Directory = 0x09
| Tree = 0x0a
| Ndscontainer = 0x0b
//Uses of this construct may result in the generation of unverifiable .NET IL code.
#nowarn "9"
type NetResource =
val mutable Scope : ResourceScope
val mutable ResourceType : ResourceType
val mutable DisplayType : ResourceDisplayType
val mutable Usage : int
val mutable LocalName : string
val mutable RemoteName : string
val mutable Comment : string
val mutable Provider : string
new(name) = {
// lets preset needed fields
NetResource.Scope = ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork
ResourceType = ResourceType.Disk
DisplayType = ResourceDisplayType.Share
Usage = 0
LocalName = null
RemoteName = name
Comment = null
Provider = null
type WNetConnection(networkName : string, credential : NetworkCredential) =
static let Mpr = "mpr.dll"
[<DllImport(Mpr, EntryPoint = "WNetAddConnection2")>]
static extern int connect(NetResource netResource, string password, string username, int flags)
[<DllImport(Mpr, EntryPoint = "WNetCancelConnection2")>]
static extern int disconnect(string name, int flags, bool force)
let mutable disposed = false;
let userName = if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace credential.Domain
then credential.UserName
else credential.Domain + "\\" + credential.UserName
let resource = new NetResource(networkName)
let result = connect(resource, credential.Password, userName, 0)
if result <> 0 then
let msg = "Error connecting to remote share " + networkName
new Win32Exception(result, msg)
|> raise
let cleanup(disposing:bool) =
if not disposed then
disposed <- true
if disposing then () // TODO dispose managed resources here
disconnect(networkName, 0, true) |> ignore
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() =
disconnect(networkName, 0, true) |> ignore
override __.Finalize() = cleanup(false)
type CopyPath =
| RemotePath of string * NetworkCredential
| LocalPath of string
let createDisposable() =
new IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() = ()
let copyFile overwrite destPath srcPath : unit =
use _srcConn =
match srcPath with
| RemotePath(path, credential) -> new WNetConnection(path, credential) :> IDisposable
| LocalPath(_) -> createDisposable()
use _destConn =
match destPath with
| RemotePath(path, credential) -> new WNetConnection(path, credential) :> IDisposable
| LocalPath(_) -> createDisposable()
match srcPath, destPath with
| RemotePath(src, _), RemotePath(dest, _)
| LocalPath(src), RemotePath(dest, _)
| RemotePath(src, _), LocalPath(dest)
| LocalPath(src), LocalPath(dest) ->
if FileInfo(src).Exists |> not then
failwith ("Source file not found: " + src)
let destFilePath =
if DirectoryInfo(dest).Exists then Path.Combine(dest, Path.GetFileName src)
else dest
File.Copy(src, destFilePath, overwrite)
let rec copyDir copySubDirs filePattern destPath srcPath =
use _srcConn =
match srcPath with
| RemotePath(path, credential) -> new WNetConnection(path, credential) :> IDisposable
| LocalPath(_) -> createDisposable()
use _destConn =
match destPath with
| RemotePath(path, credential) -> new WNetConnection(path, credential) :> IDisposable
| LocalPath(_) -> createDisposable()
match srcPath, destPath with
| RemotePath(src, _), RemotePath(dest, _)
| LocalPath(src), RemotePath(dest, _)
| RemotePath(src, _), LocalPath(dest)
| LocalPath(src), LocalPath(dest) ->
let dir = DirectoryInfo(src)
if dir.Exists |> not then
failwith ("Source directory not found: " + src)
let dirs = dir.GetDirectories()
if Directory.Exists(dest) |> not then
Directory.CreateDirectory(dest) |> ignore
let files = dir.GetFiles(filePattern)
for file in files do
let tempPath = Path.Combine(dest, file.Name)
file.CopyTo(tempPath, false) |> ignore
if copySubDirs then
for subdir in dirs do
let subdirSrc =
match srcPath with
| RemotePath(_, credential) -> RemotePath(Path.Combine(dest, subdir.Name), credential)
| LocalPath(_) -> LocalPath(Path.Combine(dest, subdir.Name))
let subdirDest =
match destPath with
| RemotePath(_, credential) -> RemotePath(subdir.FullName, credential)
| LocalPath(_) -> LocalPath(subdir.FullName)
copyDir copySubDirs filePattern subdirDest subdirSrc