Ниже приведен фрагмент кода (из Журнал кодера Ника Берарди )
public static Guid GenerateTimeBasedGuid(DateTime dateTime)
long ticks = dateTime.Ticks - GregorianCalendarStart.Ticks;
byte[] guid = new byte[ByteArraySize];
byte[] clockSequenceBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(Environment.TickCount
% Int16.MaxValue));
byte[] timestamp = BitConverter.GetBytes(ticks);
// copy node
Array.Copy(Node, 0, guid, NodeByte, Node.Length);
// copy clock sequence
Array.Copy(clockSequenceBytes, 0, guid, GuidClockSequenceByte,clockSequenceBytes.Length);
// copy timestamp
Array.Copy(timestamp, 0, guid, 0, timestamp.Length);
// set the variant
guid[VariantByte] &= (byte)VariantByteMask;
guid[VariantByte] |= (byte)VariantByteShift;
// set the version
guid[VersionByte] &= (byte)VersionByteMask;
guid[VersionByte] |= (byte)((int)GuidVersion.TimeBased << VersionByteShift);
return new Guid(guid);