Вы можете попробовать написать собственную функцию для этой проблемы.
* Returns a sting "str" centered in string of a length width "new_length".
* Padding is done using the specified fill character "placeholder".
char *
str_center(char str[], unsigned int new_length, char placeholder)
size_t str_length = strlen(str);
// if a new length is less or equal length of the original string, returns the original string
if (new_length <= str_length)
return str;
char *buffer;
unsigned int i, total_rest_length;
buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * new_length);
// length of a wrapper of the original string
total_rest_length = new_length - str_length;
// write a prefix to buffer
i = 0;
while (i < (total_rest_length / 2)) {
buffer[i] = placeholder;
buffer[i + 1] = '\0';
// write the original string
strcat(buffer, str);
// write a postfix to the buffer
i += str_length;
while (i < new_length) {
buffer[i] = placeholder;
buffer[i + 1] = '\0';
return buffer;
puts(str_center("A", 0, '-')); // A
puts(str_center("A", 1, '-')); // A
puts(str_center("A", 10, '-')); // ----A-----
puts(str_center("text", 10, '*')); // ***text***
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 26, '!')); // The C programming language
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 27, '!')); // The C programming language!
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 28, '!')); // !The C programming language!
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 29, '!')); // !The C programming language!!
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 30, '!')); // !!The C programming language!!
puts(str_center("The C programming language", 31, '!')); // !!The C programming language!!!