Большое спасибо за каждый вклад. Это был замечательный опыт обучения.
Я закончил тем, что написал свой сценарий оболочки, который генерирует HTML-отчет. Я прилагаю полный файл здесь.
Обратите внимание, что я не являюсь обычным программистом оболочки, и я работал над этим в нерабочее время ... поэтому стандарт кода не слишком хорош. У этого есть много сокращенных / прошлых рабочих мест от Интернета. Это работает, однако, и представляет подход, который вы можете использовать для прохождения своего кода sphegatti.
С уважением
# check the number of command line arguments
echo "### CodeCrawler starting"
# test input parameters
if [[ $# < 2 ]]; then
echo "usage: % crawl inputFile/inputDir outputDir"
exit -1
# the working directory is C:\CodeCrawler
cd /cygdrive/c/CodeCrawler
# find all files tha require analysis
if [ -d $1 ]; then
find $1 | grep "\.java$" > allFiles$2
find $1 | grep "\.jsp$" >> allFiles$2
find $1 | grep "\.htm$" >> allFiles$2
find $1 | grep "\.html$" >> allFiles$2
else if [ -f $1 ]; then
find $1 > allFiles$2
# get total no. of files to be scanned
totalFiles=$(cat allFiles$2 | wc -l)
echo "### No of files to scan : $totalFiles"
# create the index.html file
rm -rf $2; mkdir $2;cd $2
echo "<html><body bgcolor=\"#ccffff\"><h3>$1</h3>" > dir.html
# crawl through the entire directory
for rootFile in $( cat ../allFiles$2 ); do
scannedNoOfFiles=$((scannedNoOfFiles+1));echo;echo "### Scanning $scannedNoOfFiles / $totalFiles"
# create a dir for the output
rootFileDir=$(echo $rootFile | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1).dir
echo "### Storing output in $rootFileDir"
rm -rf $rootFileDir
mkdir $rootFileDir
cd $rootFileDir
# append to the index.html file
rootFileDirName=$(echo $rootFile | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1)
echo "<a href=\"$rootFileDir/index.html\" target=\"fileFrame\">$rootFileDirName</a><br>" >> ./../dir.html
# obtain all external jsp references
touch jsp.cwl
cat $rootFile | grep "\.jsp" | tr "'\"\?<>=,()[] " '\n' | sed 's/\.\.//g' | grep "\.jsp" | grep -v "http" | sort -u > tmp
for line in $(cat tmp);do
echo /$line | sed 's/\/\//\//g' >> jsp.cwl
# obtain all external js references
touch js.cwl
cat $rootFile | sed 's/\.jsp//g' | grep "\.js" | tr "'\"\?<>=,()[] " '\n' | sed 's/\.\.//g' | grep "\.js" | grep -v "http" | sort -u > tmp
for line in $(cat tmp);do
echo /$line | sed 's/\/\//\//g' >> js.cwl
# obtain all external css references
touch css.cwl
cat $rootFile | grep "\.css" | tr "'\"\?<>=,()[] " '\n' | sed 's/\.\.//g' | grep "\.css" | grep -v "http" | sort -u > tmp
for line in $(cat tmp);do
echo /$line | sed 's/\/\//\//g' >> css.cwl
# obtain all external htm references
touch htm.cwl
cat $rootFile | grep "\.htm" | tr "'\"\?<>=,()[] " '\n' | sed 's/\.\.//g' | grep "\.htm" | grep -v "http" | sort -u > tmp
for line in $(cat tmp);do
echo /$line | sed 's/\/\//\//g' >> htm.cwl
# obtain all database references
touch db.cwl
cat $rootFile | grep -i "select.*from" | sed 's/from/\nfrom/g' | sed 's/FROM/\nFROM/g' | grep -i "from" | sed 's/from//g'| sed 's/FROM//g' | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[;"]' ' ' | uniq > db.cwl
cat $rootFile | sed "s/.prepareStatement(\"/\nX_X_X/g" | grep "X_X_X" | sed "s/X_X_X//g" | tr '[ ,\$ ]' '\n' | head -1 | uniq >> db.cwl
# obtain all references to java classes. we include everything with signature com. and exclude "www" and "flight"
cat $rootFile | tr '["=%;/<>@\t) ]' '\n' | grep "com\." | grep -v "codepassion\." | grep -v "www" | grep -v "flight" | sort -u > tmp
echo > tmpDirectReferences
cat tmp | grep "(" >> tmpDirectReferences # directReferences are like au.com.mycompany.servlet.MiscServlet.getCckey()
echo > tmpDirectReferences
cat tmp | grep -v "(" >> tmpJavaFiles # javaFiles are like Person aPerson; ... aPerson.getPolicy()
# read directReferences and produce the class.cwl file by identifying class and method
echo "#D# Looking for direct references"
while read classLine; do
methodName=$(echo $classLine | tr '\.' '\n' | tail -1 | sed 's/(//g')
className=$(echo $classLine | sed "s/\.$methodName(//g" | tr '[()]' ' ')
echo $methodName >> $className.cwl
echo "### class: $className method:$methodName"
echo $className >> tmpDirectReferencesReformed
done < tmpDirectReferences
# read javaFiles every fully qualified class name and grab the class from it. then grab the method from it
echo "#J# Looking for indirect references"
while read classLine; do
className=$(echo $classLine | tr '\.' '\n' | tail -1)
echo "#F# find: $classLine"
# indirect references are in the form className objectName ... and then objectName.methodName
cat $rootFile | grep "$className .*;" | sed -e "s/$className[ \t]\+\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)[ \t]*[;=].*/\1/g" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | sort -u > tmp$ClassName
# read tmp$className and find all properties and method references
while read methodLine; do
cat $rootFile | grep "$methodLine\." | tr '[ (]' '\n' | sed "s/$methodLine\./\n$methodLine\./g" | grep "$methodLine\." | sort -u | grep -v "[\"%]" | grep -v ".com." | tr '.' '\n' | grep -v "$methodLine" >> $classLine.cwl
done < tmp$ClassName
# direct references are className.methodName
cat $rootFile | grep "[ ()\"']$className\." | tr ' (' '\n' | grep "$className" | tr '.' '\n' | grep -v "$className" >> $classLine.cwl
cat $rootFile | grep "$className\." | tr ' (' '\n' | grep "$className" | tr '.' '\n' | grep -v "$className" >> $classLine.cwl
done < tmpJavaFiles
# consolidate all information to generate the html files
echo "### Generating index.html"
rootFileName=$(echo $rootFile | tr '/' '\n' | tail -1)
touch index.html
echo "<html><head><title>$rootFileName</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffcc\">" >> index.html
echo "<h3>$rootFile</h3>" >> index.html
# put all java classes
echo "<br><h3>Referenced classes</h3>">> index.html
cat tmpDirectReferencesReformed | uniq >> tmpJavaFiles;cat tmpJavaFiles | uniq > tmpJavaFilesU; mv tmpJavaFilesU tmpJavaFiles
while read aLine; do
echo "- <a href=\"$aLine.html\" target=\"methodFrame\">$aLine</a><br>" >> index.html
done < tmpJavaFiles
# put all DBs
echo "<br><h3>Referenced Tables</h3>">> index.html
while read aLine; do
echo "- $aLine<br>" >> index.html
done < db.cwl
# put all JSPs
echo "<br><h3>Referenced JSPs</h3>">> index.html
while read aLine; do
echo "- $aLine<br>" >> index.html
done < jsp.cwl
# put all JSs
echo "<br><h3>Referenced JavaScript</h3>">> index.html
while read aLine; do
echo "- $aLine<br>" >> index.html
done < js.cwl
# put all htms
echo "<br><h3>Referenced htm</h3>">> index.html
while read aLine; do
echo "- $aLine<br>" >> index.html
done < htm.cwl
# put all css
echo "<br><h3>Referenced css</h3>">> index.html
while read aLine; do
echo "- $aLine<br>" >> index.html
done < css.cwl
echo "</body></html>" >> index.html
# generate a html for each class file and put all accessed methods in it
for aLine in $( ls *.cwl ); do
cat $aLine | uniq > tmp; mv tmp $aLine
fileName=$(echo $aLine | sed 's/\.cwl//g')
echo "#G# generating $fileName.html"
echo "<html><body bgcolor=\"#ffddee\">" >> $fileName.html
echo "<h3>$fileName</h3>" >> $fileName.html
for bLine in $( cat $aLine | sort ); do
echo "$bLine<br>" >> $fileName.html
echo "</body></html>" >> $fileName.html
# cleanup and return
#rm *.cwl *tmp*
cd ..
echo "</body></html>" >> ./dir.html
rm ../allFiles$2
echo "### CodeCrawler finished"