def remove_duplicates(strng):
Returns a string which is the same as the argument except only the
first occurrence of each letter is present. Upper and lower case
letters are treated as different. Only duplicate letters are removed,
other characters such as spaces or numbers are not changed.
>>> remove_duplicates('apple')
>>> remove_duplicates('Mississippi')
>>> remove_duplicates('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')
'The quick brown fx jmps v t lazy dg'
>>> remove_duplicates('121 balloons 2 u')
'121 balons 2 u'
s = strng.split()
return strng.replace(s[0],"")
Написание функции, позволяющей избавиться от дубликатов букв, но до сих пор играл в течение часа и ничего не могу получить. Помощь будет оценена, спасибо.